One of my runs from this weekend. (7/29)

Its not often I get a on board shot so I figured I’d share. If anything, it cements the fact into my head that autox is way more fun to actaully do than to watch lol. That and my car gives the impression of a racing turtle in this vid. But it was my last run of the day, raw time was about 2 seconds off FTD give or take. But my index PAX time kicked ass I took 3rd overall (outta 80+ cars?). Enjoy!

nice chris

but i rather ride passenger




That was a decent run, where was the camera mounted? It almost seems to be outside the windshield.

Thanks for the comments guys. Eric the new seats might fit a bit tight on you, but you’ll only be in there for a few seconds hehe.

Dyingwish - Its actaully my friends camera that me mounts to the front of his shifter kart. We rolled back my sunroof and clamped it on there. So your seeing my video from the roof basicly.

Here is the same course, same camera, mounted on a shifter kart…notice the difference lol.

I had to check my browser, it looked like it was playing to fast. I should try mounting the camera in my sunroof, I have to open it slightly to fit the helmet anyway. It really makes for a clean angle and uncluttered view

Gotta give it to you autocrossers. I would be plowing over cones, I can never tell where the track goes.

Was that Akira at the finish?

No Mike that was Scott (owner of the go-kart). Which I just got the results and his raw time in the video is roughly 4 seconds faster than mine haha.

Zach - Yea video sucks because you can’t really see ahead on a turn. Granted I’ve been at it for awhile (too long), but when I’m driving my head is all over the place while looking down the course.

haha. i always think that to myself too! I’m glad to know im not the only one that couldn’t follow a course laid out in cones on the skid pad!!

my first autocross attempt was in the mini coopers at the stadiums and I was thinking the same thing also. But when you are on the course, it’s real easy to know where to go.

nice chris, i cant wait to get out there again. ive been off for too long. looks like it was a fast course!