One of the reasons I'm gonna miss UB...

or someone calling the cops on your cause you are hanging out of a tree throwing your shoes at pass mcgrass…

naked bush diving

puking in the community building.

or waking up in capen cause you felt it would be a good idea to sleep with the commuters when you were hammered…

walking back from a random girls apt… realizing that you should have used your better judgement and not slept with her.

Having bitchy neighbors that if your music is slightly above audible they call the RA.

having paint tossed into your clothes while doing laundry in ellicot then finding out who did it and pissing into theirs.

Waking up drunk going to class drinking in class so you won’t get hung over, and end up running out of the lecture to puke in the bathroom and some of the hall in knox…

downloading lots and lots of porn and beating your dick til its chaffed.

and… Freedom from your parents.

UB has way too many memories, DC++ is just the tip of it