One of the reasons I'm gonna miss UB...

DC++. 300+ gigs downloaded in the past 30 hours. All movies/tv shows. Haven’t even started with music yet but I pretty much kept up with that the whole time I was here.

amen to that brother.

I would say hot asian chicks

yea, DC++ is the last of the things you’ll miss, you’ll realize it later on.

^ I guess none of you guys went to the Steer?

not on purpose

well except for my stag, they have a sweet private party area

I will miss all the hot slutty chicks wearing hot little skirts on campus

they are youngins compared to us…well not Jim

^ eff that I still look like im 19

i completely agree with OP.

well so do I when I shave…but we are still old

dont get me wrong, there are tons of things about UB i’m going to miss. But the internet connection there is incredible.

Alot of people talk shit about UB, but it’s a pretty damn good school as far as i’m concerned. With a good ratio of hotties. need a little less snobs though.

the only reason i wish i went to ub was for girls…i don’t think i have any interest in anything else on that entire campus.

eww asian chicks… they will not be missed, nor will the curry smell coming from the computer areas on campus… i stopped missing the long island sorority girls 2 yrs ago when i started dating normal girls.

for sure though ill miss DC++. since i graduated ive started to miss the friends i made there a lot more, as well as take more care of the relationships i make from now on since i meet fewer people. it feels weird, im not that old (22) but i was talking to my friend Lauren and i asked her like “hey youre what, like 20?” and was almost speechless when she replied that she just turned 18 last week. i miss when everyone around you is more or less the same age

maybe grass is greener on the other side :stuck_out_tongue:

You are Welcome

I will miss the hot imports for sure. (Indians, Asians, Germans, Prussians etc.)

But I will not miss too much more…as I will be most liking staying there for my masters hahaha

:word: ILC is like a ub-hub superstar

edit: i CERTAINLY do not miss long island skanks.

some of you claim you went to UB for the hot girls??

that’s like the worst college for hot girls…

fredonia or buff state are much smaller with many more hot girls

NU is like 77 percent girls lol

UB is 77 percent ugly asians

lol nice statistics

source? your ass doesn’t count