One of the worlds fastest trains...

Kinda nifty. Watch the video @ 1:25 in. That gives you an idea of how fast this actually is for a train.

574 km/hour = roughly 356 miles per hour.

EDIT: Japans MAGLEV is slightly faster at 581 km/hr.

watched that a few times. pretty amazing


remember the kid that had cancer that surfed one of those style trains?

love how it sounds like a plane going bye

thats pretty sweet

wow…that’s damn quick

Wow … Thats awesome!

imagine what that would do to a cow.


Thats what I was thinking

This is the kind of thing you’ll see on the news in a couple years when it comes off the tracks.

Now, THAT is what we need in this town, stopping every 83 feet from Greensburg to the the airport…


The maglev project faded away very silently, similar to hilary clintons national healthcare proposal in 1996.

I rode the TGV in France. It wasn’t as fast as this one. It went 180 MPH. Smooth as could be, the tracks are awesome over there. We were is the train station at deGaulle airport in Paris and one came blasting through not 50 ft. away. Was awesome!