Online Gamblers, FYI...

The GOP strikes again, woooooooooooooooooord…

repost :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: (not the article though)

I’m NOT a fan of gaming in general, and less so of online gaming, glad to see it.

This may be true, online gambling is not for everyone but as soon as you start making legislation like this, it opens the doors for other such changes that could impede on things that you do care about.

I’m bring this back up because it’s fresh in the news again.

It passed through, Bush is expected to put his approval on it within days.

Complete shit if you ask me. I havenever gambled online in my life and odds were that I never would’ve anyways, but that legislation is a total crock of shit.

They are only pissed because it takes people away from playing their state lotto systems that bring in millions for the government. That is all.

sucks for people like me who own a gambling site … oh well :slight_smile:

So, do I need to pull the money out of my BoDog account soon?

Yes… me too. :frowning:

aren’t You getting just a little bit more liberal? :stuck_out_tongue:

i would pull most of your money now, just in case.

this legislation is bullshit.

Last time I checked, gambling was illegal in the US. Sure, there are exceptions like the lottery, Indian Casinos and Las Vegas but nothing as wide spread as the internet. I don’t really see a problem with enforcing existing laws, even on the internet.

I feel the same way about the RIAA shutting down Napster and it’s clones. While their tactics have crossed the line, just because people think the internet should be some lawless free for all doesn’t make it so.

Don’t get me wrong, I think gambling should be legal, but as long as it’s still illegal I think they should be trying to crack down on it online. Going after the point of sale is one of the only ways you can enforce anything on the internet.

It shouldn’t be illegal though. The only reason it is illegal is to pad their own wallets.

OK, fine, then elect people that will make gambling legal. When a majority feel it should be legal they will elect representatives who feel the same, and then laws get passed to make it legal.

Just because some people think an illegal business should be legal doesn’t mean the internet magically makes it legal. There is a reason all these companies are not based in the US… Because it is illegal here.

But yeah, it’s the big bad GOP. In fact, I bet it was all Bush. That fucker. :slight_smile:

I’m not gambling in the US…all my bets are being processed by a computer not in this country. 2ndly there is a valid argument to exempt poker from this

259 days left

and it’s bullshit there wasn’t a seperate vote on this…

That’s a cute internet arguement, but answer this:

  1. Where are you.
  2. What is the billing address of the credit card you’re using for payments.
  3. What country are you a citizen of?
  4. If the gambling site traced your IP, what country would it trace to?

If all 4 aren’t the US, then you should be free to gamble all you want online, assuming the country you answered doesn’t have laws against gambling at least.

Billing address has nothing to do with it, my ATM card is processed at the Seneca nation with a NYS billing address connecting to computers all over the united states.

Citizenship has nothing to do with it, see above.

It’s an especially crazy law seeing as how the internet gaming industry has OFFERED TO PAY US TAXES on money it earns from US players and INVITES regulation.

it’s kind of a murky issue… on one side, I see where the govt. is coming from, but on the other side, technically… I guess it does have some loop holes.

I enjoy playing poker online (“mostly” for fun) so maybe I’m biased

online gambling is legal over seas and all do they have a problem regulating it not that ive seen or heard of. In england its a totally legit busniess and they pay taxes like any other entreprenuial venture… If the US was smart we would take a page from their book an legalize it, why would you not want to cash in on something like this esp if youre with uncle sammy. They can really try their best to regulate it all they want but like MP3 sharing people will always find a way around the system,

yeah, the only thing that scares me with that is them NOT being able to regulate it. End up getting ripped off and your SOL

Poker and online gambling are two very different things, of course the government fails to see this difference. This is most likely because George W. Bush has the IQ of ape and isn’t capable of playing Poker and doing complex mathematic calculations.

The Government’s problem with the online gambling is that they can’t reap taxes from it and they have no regulation over it. Guaranteed 6 or so months after this bill becomes a law you will see wealthy political figures either opening up brick-and-mortar casinos or online poker rooms themselves.

taxing it > banning it