Online Gamblers, FYI...

their revenue was $9xx million in 05…so yeah about 3 gross/day

i thought it was the government’s responsibility to make decisions that are best for the people, not to attempt to close loopholes on unreasonable laws?

that being said, there is no reason to try and block internet gambling for the masses. that is not in the best interest of the people of the US, or the US itself.

that also being said, i hate politics, i just wish we had some smart politicians who could talk sense into their peers.

First off, you are in the US, you are gambling, you are making or losing money. Regardless of where the site is, the YOU part of the equation is right here in the USA. You can keep trying to beat this dead horse all you want but I know you understand that the whole offshore server thing is a loophole.

Now, lets look at the government’s options from stopping the YOU in the US from gambling. They could pass a law stating that regardless of where the site is, gambling is illegal. But what are they going to do then? They can’t go after the companies hosting the sites, because they’re offshore. They can’t even force them to give up your information, again because they’re offshore. They could run packet sniffers and track down individual gamblers but that would involve a huge cost to net a single person.

One thing they do have access to is the method of payment all these people are using. It allows them to attack directly the offshore companies by shutting down their revenue stream. And as a bonus, no individuals are attacked the way the RIAA has come down on file swappers.

It is the responsibility of the government to represent the people. The people that elected these officials obviously aren’t ready for legalized gambling, or they would elect officials who ran on a platform of legalized gambling.

Why aren’t they smart? Because they don’t agree with you? Last time I checked democracy was about the majority, and the process of law. Just because some people think gambling should be legal does not mean that the government should look the other way while it’s citizens use a loophole to break the law.

The funniest part about this whole debate is I’m one of those people who think gambling should be legal. But I understand the difference between making something legal, and allowing people to exploit a loophole.

^ word

Is this really democracy we’re dealing with now? i can’t sit in my home (taxed) and spend my income (taxed) playing a game of poker or some blackjack online? So the majority should have direct negative influence on something I want to do? The majority of people don’t smoke in this country, does that mean all cigarettes should be illegal? That law will never pass, so why can anti-gambling, anti-gambling funder, anti-offshore, and anti-non-receiving-taxes laws get passed?

I know you know the law and the rules yadda yadda… I’m just saying that the process is retarded, the people are robots and crooked, and the laws DON’T MAKE SENSE. It’s not like a personal session gambling in one’s household is affecting anyone else.

The funniest part about the debate is that you like to argue for the sake of arguing, instead of representing your own opinion of what should be done. It’s like… well, I know I’m for legalized gambling, but apparently the majority doesn’t so I don’t care.

thats just the way the laws are already written… I don’t think anyone is agruing that they wouldnt like to see it changed

This is a majority v miority issue in the least…

it is a decision being made without a voice being heard due to a conservative majority in the house/senate. It is one of the reasons I generally side with the liberal agenda on non-econmic issues, they tend to NOT make laws that take away freedoms…

So go do like Jay suggested and lobby for legislation :tup: it’s never gonna happen if people don’t speak up. Watching the news and such, I havent seen anyone really speaking out against it. I don’t care what side the politicians are on… if they have a vast majority beating drums for something and they want to get re-elected (and lets face it… that’s a goal for 99.9% of them… no matter which party their affiliated with) they’ll push for what the people want

Yes this is democracy, in fact it’s a perfect example. At one time prohibition made alcohol illegal in this country much the same way gambling is illegal. A majority opposed prohibition, and it was reversed. If and when a vocal, VOTING majority want gambling to be legal laws will be changed and it will be.

And I’m not arguing for the sake of arguing; I’m arguing for the sake of law and democracy. If every time some minority felt a law wasn’t just and simply chose to ignore it we as a country allowed it we could no longer call ourselves a democracy. And don’t try to tell me this is the majority vs the minority. It might be the majority of 18-24 year olds on the internet, but that’s hardly a good cross section of this country. And even more importantly, that very vocal, very liberal group I just mentioned is the same group that doesn’t do the one thing that could actually get their view into law… VOTE. Bitching on message boards is a lot easier I guess.

And that one sentence is the heart of democracy. :tup: :slight_smile:

except fort the fact that people don’t bother to speak their mind with an admin that does as it pleases…

this is a major fault of how our country stands as a whole right now, I’m not trying to blame it directly on any one part, party, minority, majority or whatever.

change is definitly needed, change is on the wind, people are finally starting to open their eyes and ears and starting to use theirs heads. . .

I will be very excitied in 08, its gonna be one of the most important elections in a long time

and unfortunitly… the only thing that’s gonna change is the people in the lime light… I highly doubt you’ll see anything really change, but I’ve been wrong before so who knows.

only thing that’ll get the consitiuants what they want is lighting a firecracker under the officials asses or just dont vote them back in… that’ll send an even bigger message, but unfortunitly… I know way too many people who just don’t care to vote or get involved unless something happens that effects them directly :roll:

edit: and 9 time out of 10, they’ll just sit around and bitch about it instead of actually doing anything

Explain to me how this is any different than using Neteller? Oh wait it isn’t. Neteller is no longer doing gambling transactions according to their new ToA.

Neteller is a median between a person’s wallets/bank accounts/credit cards and the gaming site, just as “E-Chips” would be a median. Eventually “E-Chips” will be pressured into denying all gambling transactions and confiscating the money, just as Neteller plans on doing.

didnt read thread, but i read that article…

who the hell wrote that? some 3rd grader?

there is blatant grammatical erors and even some spelling errors in there… WTFMATE?

Neteller is an escrow service. You’re not purchasing anything, you’re letting them hold on to your money. If I buy a rock online and it happens that a casino believes that rock is worth $5 and is willing to pay for it in casino chips doesn’t voilate any rule.

I do not see how Escrow services will be affect. If you putting money into a escrow account, and they are located off-shore, how the hell is the US goverment supposed to where that money can/can’t go.

Neteller isn’t going to be supporting transactions to online casinos anymore.

You’d better lower your expectations then, because its just going to be another vote for a giant douche vs. a turd sandwich again. It always is.

^ lol… southpark FTW

You couldn’t possibly be more wrong.