only 4 and a half more hours!!!

i am getting tired

so alas, i’m about to roll ( i hope.)

nothing like putting in a 16 hour day and getting paid for 8 of it!!!

once again me = :owned:

btw, no radio, just the delightful buzzing of server fans and the A/C compressor every couple minutes

hey sUnny, want to roll race out of PGH :rofl:

damn i would… but my car doesn’t have enough HP.


btw, still haven’t left…

i am lookinf for a lap top for sale

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK!

why am i still at work… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


i can hook you up with a laptop… it’ll take 2-4 weeks though… somewhere around 200 bucks for a P3… not a bad deal IMO

btw, i worked over 17 hours :wtf:

i need something with a cd writer

i can do that… you can also buy an external… unless you want to pay for a new one.

btw: back at work… how about you whitey?

i am working on the corrado… trying to figure out how to rip the head off!!

i am taking it overseas with me to store vids and photos that i take…thats why i want a interenal burner…i am not trying to take too much