Only the cool kids... Parents must be proud.

Thanks to the parents funding this, and for flooding the job market with ill educated wastes of space once they graduate. :number1

link not working?

ohhhh i c…

wtf it cuts it off



without the spaces. LOL

ohh the sites down now I think. FAIL


was this supposed to be the videos of morons destroying random cars on Sat?

yeah. sites back up now.


Tons of arrests going to happen with those videos up. That isn’t what keggs and eggs is about, wouldn’t be surprised to see it shut down/not allowed next year.

Thats ridiulous.

If I saw some fucking retards doing that to my car, you can guarantee someone would be getting shot in the leg

This whole situation disgusts me. The black crown vic is one of my friends cars. those idiots are gunna get theres thanks to those videos

Yeah kids are fucked. Immature motherfuckers. Go back to Long Island fucking guyz

Easy, hitler.

I would ease up on that talk

Ban 1 for personal attacks.

I’ll talk as I please Bud. Dont tell me how to talk. Dont take that last part literally, as most on here know about me and im fine with Jews trust me.

ok due to the fact i am jewish…no I am in there with ban on this one. Most likely you don’t talk that way around them i am guessing.

Been showing these vids around work cause some of it was just down the street from us, shits fucked up. I heard there have been at least 6 arrests made so far with hopefully more to come.