i did a whitey 2 nights in a row
sailors b day part ruled!
i did a whitey 2 nights in a row
sailors b day part ruled!
whats a whitey?
6’3’’ white male
huge penis
a phrase I coined. Has to do with drunken shenanigans.
Are you Calling SHENANIGANS???
:mrT: :mrT:
i am sorry i had to leave my wife was all tired… i think that was just an excuss not to look at strippers… what a surprize strippers at 3 am we leave at 3:15 oh well i was up at 7:30 putting in a dish washer
my three ladys >the strippers!
so, instead of watching strippers, you went home early so you could wake up and install a dishwasher?
habes flipping out about banging some chick > *
that shit was hilarious