opinions on these

funny you say that, cause its a factory option on a 02 limted edition. that yellow one i posted was more money then a typical 02

but everyone is entilted to opinions. it just gets boring seeing the typical blue Fbody, with those and her ET her and her car will stand out greatly

if the car was a different color i’d say go for it.

but dark blue and black, not the best of color combos.

A hot chick driving a fast car don’t need stickers to make her stand out


if i was gonna stripe it at all, i’d do some kind of racing stripe. down the ws6 hood nostrils and over the top of the car and on the bumper/wing

or get the car two toned. black and dark blue. top half black with bottom blue. then go with black spoked wheels with polished lip. that be teh sex. i’d love to do it to my car

if you do the Collector’s Edition graphics, and paint the wheels white, it will look like the “Reverse Anniversary Edition”



not feelin it. There the stock graphicson the last of the fbodies though right? eh it looks ok on the steeler colored one but Just not feeling it on your color

with those and her ET her and her car will stand out greatly

what is so great about her ET

what is so great about her ET

its not what it is now…but what it will be when the car gets cam and possibly nitrous with a real converter and slicks


x2, but wont it be hard to tell since the car is like a dark blue anyways?

that black rear bumper piece will stand out even on that dark blue. i think it looks amazing when that piece is painted flat matte black

if i had the 02 CE, i would not want those graphics on it. they’d be off it immediatly. i dont like them on the blue either, but its your car. the black on the lower part of the bumper is cool. i’d have it on mine if i had another color besides black.

factories can do ricey shit too! look at my car, big ugly scoop, big ugly fog lights, and a big ugly wing… hardly gets more ricey than that.

anyway, i’d pass on the decals, but the rear bumper would look nice.

thats a good way to ruin a collectors car

Heres another option. I always loved the hockey stripe on camaros.
I think this car looks awesome with the wheels and stripes.


i think you can get them without them…just like you can get the 99 annv without the side graphics

ya u can get 30th and 35 annv. seats and shit in camaros with out the stripes, but i htink the whole collectors thing is it comes with all of that stuff, i never seen one with out all of that, but i like the yellow on the collectors

p.s. laura, just do the rear bumper

ive seen a few CE’s with everything but the side graphics (but they still have the hood scoop graphics). i dont know if thats a dealer option or if people have been taking them off. i assume you can get it from the dealer w/o them, since you can opt to not get the side graphics on the camaro and the 30th TA.

but ya, my opion for lauras is just do the bumper matte. but its your car.