looking for an original iPhone
may be a long shot but worth a try
condition doesn’t really matter as long as it turns on
let me know if anyone has one
whats this for Mike send me a PM. will only the original work?
25$ and its yours
Small crack on bottom, still works it needs a sim
he needs the iPhone 2g… needs the silver back
you guys making a bomb or something?
no getting free internet from Evolve… if you want in send him a PM
Thanks Tom. Yeah I need the original one. Like the very first one that they came out with. I’ll explain my reasoning later. Help me find one guys and there will be something in it for you to (not sexually, unless it’s Tom or Kev brown.)
I’m down. Does this only work with 4g phones mike?
hmm…going for $30 unlimited AT&T data?
I have one still. What’s it worth to you…
I got one the 2G iphone. Let me know when you want to borrow.
Hmm I don’t see why not…
you have a PM
I would like in on this as well. I want unlimited data!
in for more info
who the fuck is evolve?
I’m really curious why you want this.
Ps. I have an iPhone 4s, unlimited data, texting, ect. And I pay $62 a month. But everyone who doesnt have it, says my service “sucks” so I guess it’s not worth it
im with this guy.
Fine I’ll just spill the beans.
Original iPhone gives you the option to be grandfathered in for unlimited data vs having a limit of 2 gigs or 3 or whatever you choose. All I want it an original iPhone for a day or two to activate it, get the option for unlimited, then switch back to my iPhone 4.