fuck that, i’m not paying for shit… what else is out there with that kind of volume to help one through a boring work day…?



I’m with you 100%

they should have made it pay to post, not pay to view. I’m an '03 and I’m kinda pissed… it was a great source of entertainment at lunch time.

Worst idea ever for a major website.

He’ll end up rich off of it though, at only $15 a year…

if you don’t know, ya betta axe somebody

something awful is the only one worth paying for

I found that yesterday… dubble ewe tee eeegh.

Fazle will be rich soon, but I’m not going to give it to him.

And, what the hell OTAH?



you use a mac?

Perma? gheay.

i was hoping it would say that i called fazle a nig nog cock eating faggot but it didnt… :frowning:


you have to pay?

LOL i signed up last fall and lurk, i can view all threads i just cant make a signature/avatar and i didnt pay a dime?


um 4/1?

meh. i have a sub right now. i will prob renew.

its like $1 a month now. and its back to the old days with NWS on the main page.

2 dolla nvrmnd

edit_ nice ban too :highfive: lol

started a couple of days ago i guess

I noticed it eysterdayz.



SA >*

So someone else is going to start a new free forum that everyone will migrate to and in 6 months OT will be defunct.

Not that that’s ever happened before.

lol, OT will not die.

This isn’t the first upheaval in its ~7yr history

I dunno.
I am not paying shit.