OUCH! Got a little close to the edge of my driveway mowing...

After all this rain I got too close to the edge and the dirt gave away. Anyone know where to get used garden tractor parts?

The dent in the hood is when it rolled over me after I jumped off

8 Stiches cut clear to my skull.

Holy crap! Glad it wasn’t even worse.

damn that sucks glad you are ok.

Thanks! Could have been worse. Actually hurts less than you think.

boozin and cruisin

Damn dude hire some mexicans…

That sucks

I’ve been finding new bruises the past 24 hours lol!

wow bro your lucky the damn thing didnt take off your leg or something

Blades stop when you get off. But I know I lucked out. Only looks like about $300.00 to fix it too. So lucked out that way too!

damn man sorry to hear. Glad your ok

Mower still runs and mows too… I fired right up the next morning!

Thanks Mike!!!

holy crap

That thing would pull a premium at lawn wars.
Sweet scar to show your grandkids


no it wouldnt

ouch man! glad everything is OK, just ziptie it back together!