Built my house approx 10 years ago. Had to have a water well drilled, since there is no public water where i am at(although there is sewerage, which costs a fortune). The water pressure has never been all that great in my house, but over the weekend it seemed to really drop low. I asked a friend who knows something about wells and he gave me a quick tutorial. I did some troubleshooting, and figured out it was most liekly the well pump going bad. I was barely getting 20 PSI, and the pump was running continuously.
I called a local company and he came first thing this morning. It is in fact a worn out pump…replacing it is going to cost me almost $1,000 :eek2:
Ahhh, the joys of home ownership
I have been :owned:
you can get one at home depot or lowes for way less then that that has a life time warentte and they are real easy to replece
let me know what kind of pump you need. If its a sump style pump I can get it for you wholesale.
I replaced a pump about 3 years ago at camp, it was fun, but very easy, and the guys at the farm store explained it all to me.
Im not a plumber, and it was not much of a challange for me, im sure nebody could accomplish it on there own.
How deep was your well Chaz?
This one was actually shallow, I tin it was around 120 ft.
one more letter, and you wouldn’t have looked like a faggot. well… not as much like a faggot.