Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

Yes I do. Have you ever watched the TV show with Chris Angel? Basically it’s all an illusion. He makes you pay attention to what he’s doing with his left hand and you aren’t watchin what he’s doin with his right hand. Electricity costs go up everyone will blame the electric companies not the government because most of the people who voted for him are too f****n dumb to even read the newspaper! He raises the corporate taxes and give you a larger tax rebate at the end of the year but what people don’t realize is that YOU are paying for the excess tax burden levied on the corporations through increased prices! The corporations aren’t going to lay down and take a tax hit they are going to lay people off and jack up prices! You’re a friggin moron if you think increasing taxes on anyone in the current economy is the way to stimulate growth and create jobs!

The deadbeats need to get kicked the f**k off! That would be a cost cutting measure I can live with!