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you haven’t spelled guinness correct once in this entire thread

anyways, more pics of molly!

Yea. I want to see her terrorizing the shop like puppies do

Waaaaah i forgot an n. I wont drink that crap anyhow so why bother knowing how to spell it.


stick to your miller lite, sissy girl :rofl

I’ve spelled it correct in every post, psi2high has as well, AND I posted a pic of a guinness can. It was just an observation… wondering if you were doing it on purpose for some stupid reason

He blames in on the fact he does not like to drink guinness…and its not crap its delicious nector

Sorry not trying to be a dick. And i didnt realize i was spelling it wrong. But anyways its a good beer if your into dark beer. I prefer realy light beers like IPAs. To each there own though. But i definetly do not drink miller light :rofl. If i drink cheap beer i drink Rolling Rock for the most part.

as an update… this dog is friggin huge right now

Does the dog have VTEC?

Any mods yet?
Like uterus removal for lighter weight? Ok, spaying so theres no puppies.


Thats fucked up


im close to getting her to answer to meat paws. lol

dont they eat dogs where u are? I just watched Slumdog Millionaire today, and was thinking about you.

no shit i saw 730 at crossgates. Singh was the one of the first things that came to mind