WTB: Chocolate Lab

well, the g/f and I are moving in together and we both REALLY wanna get a dog. We will be moving into the apartment this spring, probably may/june. Around this time we wanna get a puppy. The summer is the best time for me as far as training and play time since i wont be too busy with school. So pretty much I wanna find a reliable breeder that I can trust. I’m pretty set on a chocolate. If anyone knows of a lab breeder that may have some info for me please let me know. I figure about now, breeders may be able to let me know when they are planning to have some puppies ready(considering they usually are not released until 8 weeks after birth).

thanks everyone

i would go buy a “buying a dog” book and do some research on breeders.

:tup: to a lab.

LABS RULE…my fiance’s brother just got a black lab pup…AWESOME dog

hmm, good idea.

yeah i want a smart dog, i figure that it will be easier to train a lab then a lot of other dumb breeds

wish i could get a puppy when i move out :frowning:

good luck :stuck_out_tongue:


well, the g/f and I are moving in together and we both REALLY wanna get a dog. We will be moving into the apartment this spring, probably may/june. Around this time we wanna get a puppy. The summer is the best time for me as far as training and play time since i wont be too busy with school. So pretty much I wanna find a reliable breeder that I can trust. I’m pretty set on a chocolate. If anyone knows of a lab breeder that may have some info for me please let me know. I figure about now, breeders may be able to let me know when they are planning to have some puppies ready(considering they usually are not released until 8 weeks after birth).

thanks everyone


hit me up on AIM. there are only a couple of breeders in the area that have good lines… ie no hip issues (very common/expensive problem with labs). i will hook you up with my vet. she does block head black labs, and has a friend that does chocolates, but be prepared to pay $$$$. these are problem free award winning show dogs.


hit me up on AIM. there are only a couple of breeders in the area that have good lines… ie no hip issues (very common/expensive problem with labs). i will hook you up with my vet. she does block head black labs, and has a friend that does chocolates, but be prepared to pay $$$$. these are problem free award winning show dogs.


u signed on? zer0daze?

edit: im me, boardjnky4

Tom - this is like…the first phase of a number of phases leading to selling your cars, getting married, and buying a minivan.

Just wanted to put that out there.



if i sell the civic, it will be to put the money towards a down payment on a real performance car

ive aleady given many ppl permission to put a bullet in my brain if i ever buy a minivan :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Please name your puppy Damnit. Hilarity will ensue, I promise.

lol, i could only imagine what my neighbors will think

oh god, its worse than I thought. We need to get you to a strip club, STAT!

Make it clear whos dog it is, Some day you might break up and that poor dog will get caught in the middle. Ive seen it a million times.

go to the pound for a dog look there first


go to the pound for a dog look there first


been there, done that with an old roommate

not again, im not an expert dog trainer

oh my god i can alrealy see it WTB: TURBO MINI VAN

lol, it would be one pimpin minivan dude