Outdoor Karting at CVMP: "The Battle Continues" - [FINAL DATE Saturday 10/17]

That’s all good boyee… :thumb

Now before you go don’t forget to print this out and stick it on your kart!


War baby… Y’all know what it is!!!

I’m not sure I heard you correctly, did you just say friendly wager?

I call the kart where the seat doesn’t move back in turn one and stay there thorughtout the race forcing a 5 foot 7 kid to be half assed the entire time :banghead

You guys are hilarious. This is going to be crazy fun.

OK you fucks. I say we go for “pool” bet. Buy in at $20 bucks a head. Overall winner for the day takes the pool. No wining or bitching or calling Obama for a fucking bail out. Man up!

No thanks. My friend definitely won’t do that so…if he wins (somehow) it won’t be fair.

if you don’t bet you can’t win the $$. so maybe a better term is “overall highest finisher out of pool contributors” gets the cash.

That’s fine. I’ll pay, but maybe do $10? $10 from 10 people is $100. That’s more than enough of a prize.

yea thats cool. w/e.

Let me know. I just don’t wanna through $20 out. lol. I’m generally a confident person, but some of you guys have done this before. I’ve never gone faster than golf cart speed in anything other than a car. lol.


Im in for the wager, even though im 50 lbs heavier than the likely winner. Onion Pedals for the loss.



FML, might have a wedding to go to Sat…FUCK.

Ill keep yall updated. Might bail on the date/wedding :rofl

I’m bailing on something kinda important…so you can too. lol.

do you wear womens underwear ALL the time?

Just most of the time he does.

In for this idea of Wayne’s (even if I don’t make the rent next month) !!!

PM me if you’re interested and I’ll take things from there…

yeah seems to be M/Th/F/Sat/Sun