overheard @ DMV - V. newmans lotus

Hahaha. :tup:

thats why he was talking about driving it home ? from chicago none the less

There are too many Newman humpers and stalkers on this site… It’s a bit disturbing.

are you stalking him?

i have noticed you have posted in every thread he has this past month. always talking about what newmans buying. you’re like that guy from lifestyles of the rich and emo.

hmmm. i just realized i might be a bit creeped out… lol.

dude, if me watching you sleep doesnt creep you out, this shouldnt

we call hotrodkid ‘creepy’

we do this for a reason

he’s gonna push that jetski on your head while you’re sleeping

meh, i watch him pee.:gotme:

No kryptonite green no care.

ok idk about newman getting an elise, i heard he is going honda, building a snky red hatch to run with the big boys this coming summer. plus, his parents just bought him the sti like a yr ago, i doubt they will buy him an elise

from what i know hes not building shit on a red hatch, but i heard he also got a truck that he is going to put a huge lift on, and swap an rb26 into

you guys are idiots, he bought a VW for straight line performance

I heard the RB is going into a Yugo or an old Mini.

NAAA…he is getting Civic Hybrid for fuel econ.



nah, he traded zerodaze the STi for the Hatch + Cash, and has a wrecked elise that he is going to fit the RB into.

Zer0daze better join buffaloscooby soon!

well then i shall call you the king of the humpers…

cus you moved in with him :hay:

i might have to sell the scooby. i cant afford to fix what i broke last night. i think there was a parking block in that snow bank.

If King Kong lived there I would have moved in. Even if YOU lived there I would move in because the rent is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cheap!! The rent alone is worth it even if I had to put up with your sexual advances…