that m3 near our work looks kinda beat up up close haha
You stopped to look at it?
yeah today real quick, it was parked on the side
I’m calling a lie, you care about leaving and going home too much to stop and look at that guy’s cars:rofl
OMG that blue picture is so BONER.
But your </> equation is incorrect. LSB > all other blues.
saw it on the way in, they were moving cars around
the only change i’m willing to make from this
estoril blue>santorini blue>nogaro blue>laguna seca blue>avus blue
is that estoril=santorini.
more santorini love:
^he already removed the eyelid BS and is switching the sidemarkers back to their right sides
it even looks good on DSII’s! (or are those DSI’s?)
that color sucks
DS2s noob.
lulz. you’re probably searching for a picture of that SHIT green (mandori??) that all honda fanboiz love :rofl I could take a dump on a car painted that color, wait 2 years for it to rot, then smear it all over the car and it would look BETTER.
Wrong. Midori green is an OK color. That blue is a faggish looking color
havereno cheekie blue on the 96 cutlass looks tight
That’s definitely not estoril, never heard of santorini, must be an individual color.
kramer what are your thoughts on nobodygivesafuck blue
i like avus, and montreal blau. good luck finding anything estroil thats around here for sale, especially with magma. its a rare combo. i’ve seen more estroil with black or dove than anything.
No here’s the faggot part…
Midori MEANS green, so all the while JDM dickhoppers have been calling their i$ht GREEN green. So sweeeeeeeeeet yo.
As for Bimmerforums… All I can say is-
I think I’ve probably been a member longer than most, if not all the people on this board, yet manage to have the lowest post count and least knowledge on related content…
Pete can attest to this- I called him up to ask him how to open the gas cap.