red brick
i can bring the home pc
i’ve never had red brick, but whatever
paint room food changed and i heard it sucks now
paint room sucks ass :weak:
roll up tuesday we can figure a place to go
you punks need to start coming to the city more often. there are plenty of awesome food places to go to. hillbilly gormet food is like left over city food in the dumpster. :stick:
its closer and cheaper for me …so you will not hear me complain
x3 the brick
I like the wings at Gianilli’s in Carbon(Greensburg). I can’t remember if their wing nite is tues or thurs, not much to look at here though.
What is the brick?
something that floats in the toilet
the red brick!
Chad, I will roll down there with you if you’re interested tomorrow night… even though you didn’t call me to tell me you moved in like you said you would.
he said no go on tuesday…he has hockey finals
ill go out soemwhere if i can push the header install back to wensday ill go out!
or we can all go out wedsday
Ok then… so we’ll go without him then.
that would work for me!
Fatheads tonight!
Spicy Parm + Franzy > *********