Palm Pilot PDA help

I’m at my sister’s house trying to help her load her new PDA on her computer. I have never done this before and have no idea what the problem is. She said the serial number is not accepted for the program she has to download, and she has no idea what to do to put it on. Its a Palm TX and she is trying to load the Skyscape Nursing Constellation Plus software. any help would be greatly appreciated as she is a nursing student and has a SHIT load of hw she has to do, unfortunately it requires the use of the PDA.

no idea, but imagine a lot of people here have used palm before.


yeah thats what I figured hence the thread lol.

need help!!! I’m only here for like 10 more mins.

Not much you can do with the wrong serial number. :meh:

fuckberries! Yeah I didn’t think so. I dont know why they would give the wrong seriel number. :gotme: the fuckin thing cost her $800. Its the one they are required to have for the class and she doesnt get financial aid so its all out of pocket costs. Very frusterating.