Pants Party [split]

Jnco at the very beginning like 98 99 was completely normal pants jeans and khakis with just wide legs. Like the leg was like 24-27" circumference. Later they got stupid with the huge pockets and 40" legs

i loved the huge pockets lol

It was much earlier than that. I had JNCO’s in like 9th grade and I graduated high school in '99.

I remember safety pinning the back of the legs up at the bottom because they dragged and they were the huge ones.

I had a few pairs of Air Walk sneakers to go with them too.

i had em in like 94-95 ish

Wow was it really that long ago. Fuck.

i was 5/6 :confused:

yeah, thats about right.

god they look so ridiculous now.

rofl at JNCO jeans… bringing me back.

all the “dirty” kids wore those in our school though :rofl

Holy shit the still make them the 26" and 23" “normal” stuff I still fucking wear. $70 though fuck

you did not make a pair of jhorts out of JNCO jeans…that’s like taking the gayness of jhorts x2

knockoff Tommy jeans, with the giant ass patch on the back thigh

This thread made me listen to some Wu-Tang - Reunited. Boy were those days so much easier…

my friends ran the TSX stores. they made a FORTUNE off JNCOs and UFOs in the 90s :lol

Tsx went out of business cause jnco went out of style. Now I have my answers lol


I totally did. I used to rock cut offs for quite a while.

I forget what actually happened to the jeans that led to them becoming shorts though.

Kik wear

gat jeans

kik wears were $$ haha

probably got to stiff what with all the sperm from your male lovers