Holy F'in sheitballs

I took out a pair of jeans I wore back in high school

I put them on

My waist closed, easily, however the area for my ass and nuts were tight.

Went to gap : i fit in size 36 pants, y0

Been a while…

PS. Classic fit jeans are my NEEEEMMMESSSSIIIISSSSS

gratz howie

Wow, you’ve lost alot of weight howie…

and why do you still have jeans from high school?

I don’t know. I guess you can say I horde clothes.


dude you need to clean your closet more often

dam i wear a 34 now

i barely can get into gap 36’s

how much do u weigh now if u dont mind me asking?

Howd you manage to drop the weight off? Supplements / diet change? Or just workin out?

good for you man, you must have dropped alot.

I met you a few years back at fudd’s in amherst.

As for me, none of my pants fit, as I’m expanding past a 34 into a 36.

:tup: Howie. Perserverance pays off.

i’ll be honest…

I don’t know you but ur a fat ass i guess!

yea 8 years out and I am the same size, the pants shrank!

I’m still a size 40?

lol fattyz

That’s awesome Howie, most people are doing just the opposite after high school and going up and up and up :bloated:

Awesome work. :tup:

Im not a big guy, but most places cant measure, and i like mine a little loose. 38 for me

that makes you a big guy, 30-32 =not a big guy

hey big guy

Id rather be a big guy than a fucking twig