Next time you see me

You’re gonna be seeing a lot less.

15 lbs by thanksgiving

30 by jan 1st

No more buhda, sorry.


i hear you are on the :tspry:

I love both Howies.

It’s one of the best decisions I have made. From 216 in Feb. to 161. I decided that I needed to take better care of myself.

yeah but what’s your 60ft time

:tup: run that ass, that stoooooook’ll like that

I heart you no matter what howie. :slight_smile: But good for you :slight_smile:


1b4someone asks if its because teh crowbar is leaving marks on the s2k

How do you plan on doing this? I need to lose a couple and cant figure out how

see the motivation a month of driving a s2k will do for ya? Must be you wanted to give a friend a ride? i kid, i kid.

Fucking NYSC (New York Sports Club)

and not eating bad

and not eating late

and GASP limiting drinking to once a week…

:tup: good luck. I wanna join a gym…not realy to lose weight, but get in better shape…right now im 5’11 and 180lbs. i dont care about weight, i just wanna look good.

post your nysid photo!

eat protein and vegetables as late as you want - just don’t eat crappy foods or carby stuff late dude :slight_smile:

you’ll feel so much better, man - i think the last time i saw you in a gym was early 2004

I stopped eating after 8 and stopped drinking soda…dropped a ton of weight like it was nothing…you really dont realize cutting stupid things like that really helps…drink A LOT of water…the weight will drop even faster

Can I still snuggle with your little budha belly? Ha!!

Feels good doesn’t it, getting back into shape?

OT When are you going to change your avitar back to the old one?

I need to stare at it for hours… (And learn how to dance like that…)

jerk off real fast 3 times a day

and stop eating carbs…if you deprive your body of energy not only will you lose weight but you’ll also be tired, depressed, and you cna become borderline diabetic!

its a win win win win


oh yea, and congratulations on the weight loss/motivation

naked pics or ban


and only eat til your aren’t hungry any more :tup:

maybe we should have an NYSPEED health improvement/weight loss contest? For motivation? Winner gets a hoodie? Post monthly updates/pics, fat%, weight? I dunno, maybe that’s gay :hay:

It would probably motivate me…especially during the hardest time of the year, holiday season. no?

bah, whatever.

5’10" 195lbs. i want that down to atleast 160/165. No pics, but ill try to keep this updated. I kinda need motivaion. Haha