Pants Party [split]


Just when we thought this thread couldn’t get any gayer…

Chess king jeans bitches!


Holy fuck dude its amazing how popular those fucking things were for awhile…

Fuck pants.





MC Hammer pants and L.A. Gear Pumps

Bugle Boy Jeans and L.A. Lights

UFO pants

Dockers stain resistant pants

Parachute… not


all i used to wear were jnco jeans lol my faves were the lowdown line of them lol

Paco jeans
Karl Kani
Designer knockoffs from Lee’s 4 Seasons.

199x FTW.

I wore acid/stone washed Jordache pants in the late 80s early 90s. Husky.

I had a few pairs of JNCO’s back in high school including a pair with white and black stripes down the sides and a skunk patch on the front.

i can not see u rockin them lol

I wasnt into the huge ones with the mammouths on them but I had several pairs of the more normal ones.

I just got rid of the last pair a year or two ago. They were made into shorts at that point though.

Anybody remember the weird colored jeans from the '90’s? I had a few pairs of orange and purple jeans and a pair of teal ones in jr. high.