bringing it back to '93

how many people “rocked” these types of jackets?

there are a fuckton of these jackets and starter hats on ebay. i cant believe someone still has this shit new. im so tempted to buy one.

Hole E shit! I cant believe I forgot about those! :lol I had a Timberwolves one back in the day

Chicago b ulss heeere ahhhhhh

here you go.

oh boy. i cant even remember what ones i had, i think a bulls jacket. a guy i work with STILL has a dolphins starter

I had a michigan one back in the day

Cowboys Starter jacket FTW!

49ers FTW.

pretty sure mine was a magic one, similar to the on in the pic

I had that actual one. Orlando Magic.

I don’t remember which ones I had. I do know that one Christmas, my dad got me a NY Giants Starter jacket. I never liked the Giants.


I had a Miami Hurricanes pullover when I was in 8th grade.
I also had a Giants zip up in 6th and 7th grade. I outgrew it and gave it to my uncle.


Well his wasnt true. I remember which ones I had and didnt get either for Christmas. I liked the Giants back when I gave a shit about sports.

The Hurricanes jacket was more because that team was in style back then in school and not really because I liked the team. Everybody seemed to have Hurricanes shirts, hats and jackets back then.

Do you ever wear a flat brim Summit or Jegs cap now, to, you know, keep in style?

Ive got a Summit hat but dont keep the brim flat and dont wear it much. Where the hell is that in style?
Its certainly not in style around here and I gave up on styles a long time ago. I just wear what I like and whats comfortable and cheap.

It’s the latest trend in most clubs I guess. Do you prefer the clothing from Target or Wal-Mart? Kinda like Target myself.

Around here the style seems to be team hats with the tags and stickers on them, atleast in the hood.

I dont think Ive ever gotten clothes from Target but most of mine came from Walmart.

The Walmart here is getting pathetic. Nothing on the shelves anymore.

I hate ‘Great Value’ brand.

Well theres about 15 of them within 45 minutes or so of here. Some are shitty but others are pretty good.

Its inventory time now so theyre not stocking much.