Paper Boy = good money

ha the other day i had people complain that the papers were wrecked because the windstorm. Well obviously it would they ask for them on there front porch in a bag. The funny thing is they only pay half for the paper to begin with and delivered to there door. What asshole people.



I used to only have a few houses with doorstep delivery, the rest had the boxes out by the mailbox. I had my ways of persuade the doorstep people to get a box. These people left there dog on the front porch so I used to always throw their paper right in the dog piss. A few weeks later they got a box.

UGHH, I was a paper boy for 6 years. This is so true.

A few of my co-workers do it and they are in their 30’s. I like to sleep in but if I was up I would definitely do this.

can you do it only mon-fri or do you have to committ to the whole week?

i think the whole week but just have a buddy do it on the days you don’t want to and hope they dont mess it up too bad

Good idea they don’t have kids collecting money anymore.

When i was a kid I would go with my buddy who was a paperboy so he wouldn’t get jumped for 200 bucks in singles.

Man I get the shivers thinking about when I used to deliver papers. No thanks.

I did it in my neighborhood for a year or two before I could drive… only way I had enough money to buy a car on my 16th birthday

wow, im suprised no one got the better off dead reference till now…

GREAT movie though

you should probably get a paper route so you can afford those keys
