Local toll collector in trouble


The article is ok, but this last line was the most interesting to me.

The e-mails were traced to Zelonis, who made $21 an hour at the Thruway job.

So he’s low in seniority doing a job that a bucket with an automatic change counter can do, and he’s making 21/hr with benefits.

And we wonder why the thruway authority says they have to raise tolls all the time. What a fucking joke.

Most states have machines doing that job.

Wow. That’s almost as bad as auto unions.

EDIT - actually worse since they aren’t even pumping out a product. Fuck that.


that job also has one of the highest suicide rates

Still overpaid but then again, would anyone here do it for $10/hr for 8 hours?

no, that’s why we have machines that can do it.

There are plenty of people who would do it for $10/hr

it sounds like a lot but its only ~ 43.5k a year… its not an INSANE ammount

You’re kidding right? For that job, plus all the benefits you get since it’s a state job.

um, to be a toll collector? thats alot lol

your right, it is a TON to be a quarter monkey (ib beck)

but its not like they paid him 70k…

I bet this guy has been doing it for YEARS… i think beck was only making ~ 12-14 dollars an hour… well before he started making 75k a year

I was making $12 or $13 bucks an hour, but no benefits because I was part time. Viper, you’re mistaken. When I entered into the car business from toll collecting, I was selling cars. Not managing a finance department. When I was selling cars, I wasn’t making $75k. I was making $50k. <3

I doubt that.


Look how many people work minimum wage jobs. Being a toll collector is nothing more than any cashier anywhere. If you can count coins, you can be a toll collector.

No reason these people are making more than $10/hr.

Almost 44k a year + state benefits and pension for standing there collecting change?!

Hell, I know people with college degrees that don’t make that much.

I understand what your saying, I think machines should be used instead. But if you are going to have people do this job you are not going to have people sit around for 8 hours doing this job for $10/hr

Thats just the reality of it. Maybe if you had minors do this job but adults, no way.

No its not that much. You would have to work 5 days a week every week for a year. Figure this job pulls in mid-high $30s under that hour wage at most.

Still too much though.

There would be NO problem filling those spots at even $10/hour. I guarantee it. If you think otherwise, you need to get out more and see what is going on in the world. There are plenty of uneducated people who would do that work full-time for $10/hr plus benefits.

(I am okay with benefits on this)

$20,800/year is much more reasonable for that type of work.

which is about $7k less a year than starting pay for a school teacher with a masters degree at a decent school district in WNY.