Local toll collector in trouble

Again everyone is basing their figures out of working exactly 40 a week every week of the year. Thats completely unrealistic.

You are looking more at $18k a year before taxes. And yes I know their taxes would be lower than most other people. But you are still looking at only bringing home maybe 15k a year.

This would be a great job for a student or a minor, but if you are looking for adults which they tend to do, no one would sit and do this job for 8 hours for that.

Remember that this job sucks, its monotonous, lonely and as about as stimulating as watching paint dry. I know that figures in to the salary.

Again don’t get me wrong, I think we need machines, or how about no tolls at all but until that happens give the people that do this shitty job a wage they can live on. Maybe $15-$16/hr.

Its more like $15k.

How do you figure 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year as being unrealistic? My last line of work was 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year. Sure there were “paid holidays” and I took paid time off that was a benefit, but I was still essentially paid for working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year. My current line of work is based around a 40 hour work week as well. 32 hours is the cutoff for full-time, but 40 hours is what is scheduled basically. I really don’t see why you think 40 hours a week is such an unobtainable feat. Especially in a setting that never closes and always needs workers there.

I stand by my $10/hour with benefits and you will still have all the booths filled. I’m sure they could fill them at $8/hour with benefits even if they really wanted to. It’s a skill-less job, so it desires a skill-less level of pay. I’m all for paying people living wages, but unless the pay scale for other professions goes up, $15/hour for someone collecting petty change at a toll booth is ridiculous.

Then I guess we will just disagree then. If these jobs could be filled at $10/hr they probably would be.

And working a perfect 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year is unrealistic.

Sometimes you make painfully obvious you work for the state in a union job.

Out here in the real world almost everyone works 52 weeks a year. You might get 2 weeks vacation and a few holidays here and there, but your pay is still based on a full year. People like you, with your entitled union mentality are what’s wrong with this state.

Not just the state…the entire US. This high pay rate and sense of entitlement is why the fundamentals are ass backwards in our economy. We produce little to nothing yet our wages are sky high. HRMMM…somethings got to give.

Its more like $15k.

wrong. youd be surprised how little some of the hardest working teachers make. unless your at a school that is union you dont make crap. my mom is a special ed teacher with a masters degree dealing with kids that have the ability level of a 2-3 year old and she dosent even make what this guy is each year.

Then she should quit and look into a job at a public school.

You are looking at only private/catholic schools. Public schools in NY start out at about 33k with a BS and 36k with a masters.

i would absolutely guarantee these jobs would be filled at $10/hr with benefits. if people work at bk, or mcd’s, walmart, youfuckingnameit inc.full time for less, why wouldn’t they take this job? just because it’s a state job, doesn’t mean they should automatically make 20+/hr.

No they wouldn’t. I have already said why. And have already mentioned a few times that $20+ hr is too much.

i know you already said why you think they wouldn’t get filled, you’re just wrong.

at least we agree that 20+ is too much.

They are totally self sufficient though.

Starting salary for just a bachelor’s in my district is $38,800 for next year and a master’s degree would bump it up another $2500. Private schools pay crap around here.

That’s sick. :frowning:
The educational system as a whole in the country is pretty wack.
The curriculum they force upon “teachers” kind of ties their hands and more less gives an inadequate protocol to teach. SIGH…time to put the tin foil hat on again. :stuck_out_tongue:

They had it right back in the day IMO…apprentice/internship programs. Learn a skilled trade from functional knowledge and experience.

I work a unionized position for the state

They get the same benefits as me

12 paid holidays a year or you can take time instead of pay

40 personal hours

8 hours of sick a month

8 hours of vacation a month

you can get single coverage empire plan for like $23 bi-weekly

csea dental/vision


ect ect

it increases with senority , you salary goes up “steps” each of the first 7yrs and then factor in the yearly 3 or 4% cost of living raise

the time accurals increase with seniority as well

anyone who bitches about state jobs feel free to take the civil service test

just plan on not having a social life

I have worked for the state for 2yrs, in 2yrs I have not had one weekend off, not had one holiday off (this means while your friends have a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving you will be working all 4), been involuntarily moved to different job locations 4 times (the only stipulation is it has to be within 20 miles of your last work location), worked all 3 shifts , if someone calls off on the next shift you can be mandated to work it for them if you cant find overtime (which you usually cant) ect ect

its a decent job but far from the glamarous lifestyle John Q Public thinks it is

A woman at our office who just started was telling me that she was a catholic grade school teacher for the past 5 years. She made under 10 dollars per hour.

If you have any kind of bills, house, or a car then earning under 30k is completely unlivable.

sooooo the adults working at walmart or mcdonalds make more then that? you are wrong, people would do this for $10/hr.

You still have not answered my question as to why you find 40 hours a week for 52 weeks to be so ridiculously unobtainable and unrealistic…

Private education blows, pay wise.

I have a list of starting pay for the Hamburg central schools, and how much every teacher makes,each year, depending on degree.
It’s actually public knowledge…so go ahead and check.

I felt bad, When I was in highschool, i was making more $ than my teachers. and a few of them knew it too.lol

IMO every teacher should be making 50K starting, they ARE in control of our future…