Local toll collector in trouble


f-ing fggts, they wear their boxers backwards.

(hamburg joke to st frannies students)


I worked for Hamburg as an 8th grade teacher, my starting salary was 33k with just a BS.

Even I would say $50k starting is too much. Honestly the pay is just about right in NY. But NY is typically higher than the rest of the country.

Here’s your logic:

“Hey you want to make 10/hr sitting for 8 hours in a little booth outside in the middle of the highway by yourself, or would you rather work in an air conditioned/heated department store with other people? Oh yeah both jobs offer benefits.”

There is my reasoning for making the job a $15/hr.

I think you are wrong so lets just end it at that.

LOL, aight bro. :tup:

This is really going to chap your ass.

While I was collecting, you’d get about 3 hours worth of breaks in an 8 hour shift.

1:30 on
:45 break
1:15 on
:30 break
1:00 on
:40 break

etc. etc.

IT WAS AWESOME. Plus the booths are heated and air conditioned.

I ended up dating about 12 girls i met driving through the booths.

I’ll take the highway please.