Uh oh! Somebody did a burn out at the tolls!!! v.87foxgt?!?!!?

I can’t go into much detail, cause this story is so rediculous, but here it goes.

Today at about 4:30pm, I was working at the Depew toll booths.

In the distance I see a white cobra vert…touched by the hand of god, and driven by the sexiest man alive.

Obviously, it was Mike. (87foxgt for all you noobs)

So he gives me the 15 cents he owes the state, for allowing him to use their highway, and of course, I give it right back. :naughty:

So we shoot the shit for a minute, and traffic is getting sort of backed up.

Oh well, fuck it.

So as he is pulling away, the lethal growl of the motor causes me to yell out the toll booth at him “GET’R SIDEWAYS!!!111”

now, mike either being the standup guy he is, or he just didn’t hear me, didn’t really get on it, while leaving my lane. Maybe a quick jab at the pedal, but nothing much.

well the lady behind him, didn’t even look at me, but had this pissed off look on her face.

fast forward 5 hours. yes. 5 hours.

and because its such a small plaza, there is no supervisor…just 4 collectors.

i am talking to joe, and the phone rings. joe picks it up. i didn’t really pay attention.

after concluding the conversation, he hangs the telly up.

and says these exact words:

“it was an old lady, and she said she just went through the toll booths, and a young girl with short, dark hair, and wearing dark glasses, just egg’ed a white camaro to “burn rubber” and “street race” as he left the toll booths.”

after thinking for a second, and not believing him… i asked…

“well what did you say?” i asked

“well she wanted to talk to a supervisor, so i just pretended to be the supervisor”. :lol:

i was laughing. for a few reasons…

1.) It wasn’t “just”…it was 5 hours ago.
2.) I may look/act like it, but I am not a girl…she must not have seen my penor.
3.) It was a mustang…mikes not “dude bro” enough to drive a maro.
4.) No such phrases were shouted.
5.) He didn’t get over 20 mph.

Well then the best part. SHE CALLED THE POLICE.

Yes, a trooper showed up and asked Joe what happened. Joe told him to talk to me.

Aparently, she told the trooper it “just” happened, and he left smoke everywhere.

I told the trooper what really happened, and how it was 5 hours ago, she thought i was a girl, and that the car was a camaro. I also said, the “smoke” was probably just from his exhaust, and that his car is loud…he wasn’t racing… and added in “mike’s an iraqi freedom veteran, hes better than that” :mamoru:

the trooper was astonished that someone would call the police up, for someone hastily leaving the toll booths 5 hours ago. :rofl:

It gets better.

the trooper leaves. at around 11, the old hag fucking shows up to the tolls!

needless to say, i hid in the back…and Joe once again, put on his supervisor costume and told her…

“i am not responsible for the driver of the car, but i will make sure the collector is counseled”

she responded with “it sickens me…”

“what does?” joe asks…

“the wrecklessness, and speed he demonstrated”.

:rofl: fucking :lol:


Cliffs: The cops respond to a complaint about 87Foxgt hastily leaving the tolls in a cloud of smoke, street racing himself, in his camaro, after being told to do so by a transvestite, 5 hours earlier.

haha that old lady thought you were a chick

bitches aint…


kinda like the guy who was telling me to slow down when i was doing 20 in a 30 the other day :bloated:

Why can’t people like her just die?

:lol: Great story.

I hate that. I had that the other day too. Oh and appairently even though the sun was still up I should’ve had my lights on. Maybe he couldn’t see me. :gotme:

yea old people suck


:lol: :rofl:
hahaha…thats great…

Wait, she was mad that she waited a few extra minutes?

But she had time to call the police?

And then go back and waste more time talking to somebody?

I <3 people!


Beck that was fucking awesome :tup:

ahahahahahahahahha i love your stories!!!

that’s great… but lets talk about why the tolls were so backed up yesterday at the other gates… wtf… there was 2 lanes open on each side… WHY?!

wait mike drives a domestic?

Fucking lolling. :lol::lol::lol:

I hate the human race. :frowning:

I fukin dispise people that have soo much free time that they feel the need to screw with other peoples lives, nothing burns me up more. MIND YOUR OWN FUKIN BUSINESS

Yeah, I was definitely astonished, that she did what she did.

She probably worried all day about it, and it made her sick.

I hope she dies.

motion for 87foxgt to do a burn out on her face to show her what one really is.

self-street racing. hot.