Uh oh! Somebody did a burn out at the tolls!!! v.87foxgt?!?!!?


Wow. That is just unreal.

OK. So yeah I remember pulling up to your toll. I remember seeing your face light up in joy and your weiner puff up with excitement when I made the big decision of coming through your lane. You knew that your life would never be the same. :slight_smile:

Anyways, I still cant beleive what I just read. I mean really, youve got to be fucking kidding me. I laughed my balls off at first, but now the more I think of it the more I realize how :bloated: this lady is.

But you’re right, after I heard you say that, I said eh I will give it just enough to take off quick and let you hear a bit of the Borlas talking. :smiley:
Besides, the road coming out of your toll was shitty. And the last thing I needed was to wheel hop and blow my halfshaft trying to look cool leaving your toll. :lol:

I definately didn’t even spin the tires. Just got into it enough for the KB to make a bit of noise and for it to sound mean taking off and get up to speed. I guess that was enough to set this lady off for some reason. :bloated:

But honestly. It brings me joy and happiness to know that this lady went through so much trouble for nothing. All because I’m sure I fit some fucked up stereotype she had in her head, so she felt it was her duty to do something to correct the horrible wrong she had seen that day. :lol:

People like her make owning a car like mine both very frustrating and very fun sometimes. Frustrating because, well, yeah. Read the post again. But its also fun to know I can piss off someone so bad who is so ignorant. :tup: to me

But you know this isnt the first time something like this has happened. Jeeves its funny what you just mentioned about the guy yelling at you, the same thing has happened to me on more then one occasion.

I guess our cars look fast, they sure sound fast, so OMG OMG they MUST be going FAST.

I ran into the same exact situation a while back. I am driving down a side street which leads to Broadway. I take a right turn onto Broadway by a 30 mph zone. I take off in first semi quick. Just enough to scoot me up to almost 30 in first, then I put it in neutral and granny shift into second after a few seconds. I would estimate I am doing about 25 mph at this point. Some HERO decides that because my car SOUNDS like its speeding, and it LOOKS like its going fast, that I am speeding. He runs out and yells SLOW DOWN ASSHOLE. For a split second I was just shocked. I look down at the speedo. Yep 25. I was tempted to tell him to go FUCK himself, but I just shook my head and kept driving.

Ive been in a few situations like that now. Where people automatically assume I am going fast just because they hear my blower and exhaust when I come down the road. Sweet. I guess it just comes with the territory. :gotme:

Driving a honda hatchback FTW.


i hope she careened into a bridge abutment promptly after.


You son of a bitches and yer fast racing cars need to be stopped. I also am a concerned citizen, mike obviouisly showed no concern for public safety. I hope he is stopped before someone gets hurt. shame on you.

It blows my mind that she went through so much trouble. What an uber bitch.

:hay: stuff it in yer ass buddy! :hay: youre the one that leaves white smoke everywhere! :hay: :smiley:

x1,000,000 ^

Thats just blown headgasket…oooooooo SNAP! :kisses:


Good story!

I also agree that people like that should die. I had that happen to me in the Mighty lot not too long ago.

cop pulls up.

Asks who belongs to the blue pontiac.

Says i was “racing” down sheridan.

I said i wasn’t, I really wasn’t.

I had come directly from Ted’s right down the street, and i was by myself. But somebody called the cops, and called in my plate.



I remember that.


It was a white shirt too! Musta been pretty boring for him, just sitting in the office all day.

I’m not sure I want to run you, Beck. If you get in shit while sitting in a toll box, what’s gonna happen when you’re trying to catch me @ 175MPH?:poke:

I’m going to be catching up to you? :bloated:

Go to taffy’s tonight.

Work night for me. U get yer new tires on yet?

funny shit, that is all…

LMFAO. haaahahah she thaught you were a girl hehe :hay:.

I hate people who can’t tell what WOT is. That story was funny…but now i’m mad :lol:

:word: I get shit like that all the time.

“Move it buddy!”
“Use the pedal on the right asshole!”
“Step on it Grandpa!”

All the while I’m WOT through second in a school zone. :gotme:


Whats funny is having a old persons car, and going WOT in when school lets out and everoyne stares…Downshifting automatics…FTW…hahah

Lollercoaster. not for much longer ubersneaky parts overnighted from Japan!

Side note, I saw the White cobra on Broadway sunday afternoon speeding past the cemetary on broadway round 3:30! I more dispiccable site i have never seen, racing all over the road taking up two lanes with 6 people hanging out the top yelling and throwing beer cans and holloring at children on the sidewalks!! Also made note of 2 large inflatable dolls hanging out the trunk!! I called the authorities right away.