i’m not looking forward to it. working the night before 10-4 and then 8-4 or whenever we actually get done which usually isnt until 5 or 6… i’m probably not even gonna leave jills just pass out on a couch in the back. so have fun you drunk fucks… i’ll enjoy throwin ya all out on your ars…

I’m assuming it’s a little ‘lighter’ out on Parade Day vs. the crowd that normally invades Jillians on the weekends?

Travis is talking about black people. He doesn’t like them.

Is this still even going to happen if we’re going to have down pouring rain?

we’ll just food color the rain green

Down pour may not happen until Saturday night, the parade might be OK still.

Yetti, I will see your ass Saturday!

I will be there bright and early. Save me a table yetti!

yea its much lighter… and sorry no tables shall be reserved. just get your ass their early and get one.

oo and as far as the rain goes. maybe you’re new to this but no amount of rain will keep people from their booze. proven fact.

Yea, but they have cancelled the parade before.

yea for large amounts of snow

i’ll update this as i get info but as of now even with rain its still a go. will hear more tonight

First year we will not be attending… FAIL :frowning: Always a really good time!

nope, not new to it at all. I do now in the past they have cancelled it, when we got the huge snow storm.

I will be at the parade, shytfaced. No idea where the group im with will head to afterwords

see you drunk fucks down there