Paris Hilton going to jail?

i hope he beats her with a rubber hose

no seriously, i hate the goddamn bitch

if she were to die today, i would make a valiant attempt at having it declared a national holiday.

and not some pussy assed death like choking on a ham sandwich or something, like if she were to fall into a volcano, or getting eaten alive by pirannahs, or get fucked to death by a pack of dogs. I can only wish the worst on her.


i hope he beats her with a rubber hose

no seriously, i hate the goddamn bitch

if she were to die today, i would make a valiant attempt at having it declared a national holiday.

and not some pussy assed death like choking on a ham sandwich or something, like if she were to fall into a volcano, or getting eaten alive by pirannahs, or get fucked to death by a pack of dogs. I can only wish the worst on her.


You sir do not like Paris Hilton…is that the point your looking to get across??? Whats wrong with death via ham sandwich i think itd be ironic that her bein anorexic she died from eating

momma cass died from eating a ham sandwich ( or a drug overdose, who cares)

basic point, yes, i really hate her

Don’t fuck with judges. :smiley:


Like I said earlier…:smiley:


I bet that judge who was adament about her serving the 23 days in a real jail is pissed.


I really hope the bitch gets thrown back in jail. He should force her to stay the full 45 after pulling this crap. Hardly what I would consider “good behavior”.

Cuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car. The judge was not amused at all by her attempt to testify via phone today. :lol:

WTF? She tried to call the court? :rofl:

link to that image/story?

I hate to admit it, but I’ve been watching that site all day. This is like watching a bad car accident live, but in slow motion.

EDIT: And you really hate the people in the car accident. :slight_smile:


Cuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car. The judge was not amused at all by her attempt to testify via phone today. :lol:


hahaha :rofl: the broad in the front seat looks like she wants to punch her in the throat


Cuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car. The judge was not amused at all by her attempt to testify via phone today. :lol:



the bitch is back in jail for the full 45 days. she left the court screaming and crying

Unbelievable… fuckin halarious

Hilton left the courtroom in tears, screaming, “Mom, Mom, Mom.” Hilton was also heard saying “It’s not right.”

One witness described the scene as: Paris was “physically escorted” out of the courtroom by a female deputy.

i had a feeling this would happen

hahaha, what happenedto her saying she was gonna do hertime racefully or whateverthe fuck she said ?


stupid no talent not as hot as she thinks she is bitch


Dumb ugly whore.

Learn to make a good sex tape and be less ugly


Cuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car. The judge was not amused at all by her attempt to testify via phone today. :lol:


Maybe Nicole Richie can go to jail to and they can have the whatever season of the Simple Life…Behind Bars


Justice, a dish best served cold and hard!