Paris Hilton going to jail?

Maaayybe…. :bloated:

i can see it now 6 months from now

One Night in Paris: Cell 9 California Penitentiary

The answer is no.

she MAY get sentenced to jail time, but just like Artest she will never serve a day in her life.

Ain’t america grand

the sad thing is that she’s a role model to so many teenage girls.

darwin’ll get em all in the end :tup:

highly doubt it.

Yeah, Darwin is dead to me. The Easter Bunny will get her before Darwin does.

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) – A judge sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in jail Friday for violating her probation, putting the brakes on the hotel heiress’s famous high life.

Hilton, who parlayed her name and relentless partying into worldwide notoriety, must go to jail on June 5 and she will not be allowed any work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail or any electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing.


The answer is no.

she MAY get sentenced to jail time, but just like Artest she will never serve a day in her life.


Welcome to Wrongville, population, you. :slight_smile:

DAMN. 45 fucking days. DAMN

Hilton could face up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

hahaha, she’ll probably have that on her with more to tip the court clerk.

she won’t see the inside of a cell, that’s obvious. And honestly, she’s not as bad as alot of people make her out to be, there are waaayyy worse role models out there for teenage girls. coughbritneycough

not that she’s a great one, but at least she keeps her cool unlike alot of celebreties with the same amount of attention.

country club jail i’m sure - the probably make you drink spring water instead of perrier as part of your punishment

I wanna see if someone shanks her


lol artest was sentenced to 20 days in jail as well. but is he serving anything? nope.

you can call me wrong when the tabloids get her in her prison jumpsuit

i hope she get it in the butt.

i wonder what the job qualifications are to be a minimum security prison guard



i hope she get it in the butt.




i hope she get it in the butt.


I’m willing to bet she probably already has/enjoys it greatly. Thats just me… but then again her sex tape showed she wasn’t too kinky so maybe not haha

lol a little O/T but I’ll be damned… excite is still around

Oh I hope she gets beat in jail.