Paris Hilton going to jail?

She just wants to know if they have conjugal visits there


Welcome to Wrongville, population, you. :slight_smile:


ill believe shes going to prison when the jailhouse doors close behind her. theyre already appealing the sentence.

she’s spending time in a “real jail”… gonna be sweet. she’ll just promise to take care of everyone around her once she’s out, she’ll do fine.

i don’t think this will happen… if it does, this will open the doors for judges to follow suit with other celebs.


i don’t think this will happen… if it does, this will open the doors for judges to follow suit with other celebs.


Good i hope that does happen. Its about time celebs get knocked back down to reality. And i heard on the radio a little bit ago that she has to start serving her time within the next 20days or something like that.


she MAY get sentenced to jail time, but just like Artest she will never serve a day in her life.


[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:6,topic:28785"”]

highly doubt it.



She won’t see the inside of a cell, that’s obvious.



country club jail i’m sure - the probably make you drink spring water instead of perrier as part of your punishment



i don’t think this will happen… if it does, this will open the doors for judges to follow suit with other celebs.



LYNWOOD, California (AP) – Paris Hilton has reported to a Los Angeles County jail to begin a three-week stay for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.




haha i love that shit

Today’s facts that may only seem funny to me:

and from the CNN article (which also produced above quote:

Survey sez: No street cred for you Paris :meh:

i hope the building collapses on her

OK, this special needs section they are referring to is most likely a constant observation housing unit. As country club as you would think it is…it’s still fucking jail. It’s still a shithole and you don’t get too many privelages. And I’m referring to basic items you have/use on a daily basis. Her 45 days (most likely less due to “good” time) will still suck big time for her.

And if any of you remember correctly, it was only a few years back when DMX did a month or two out at the alden penn. He was also segregated to basically the same type of housing Paris will be in due to being a celeb. But, he didn’t recieve special privelages as you would think celebs would get.

Yeah, this is still an old shitty jail, no club fed. The special needs unit is just so someone doesn’t stab her simply so they can say, “yeah, I stabbed Paris Hilton while she was in jail”.


Yeah, this is still an old shitty jail, no club fed. The special needs unit is just so someone doesn’t stab her simply so they can say, “yeah, I stabbed Paris Hilton while she was in jail”.


shit, if i was a lifer in jail, i’d wanna stab her to death like, twice

I think most lifers would love to stab her multiple times, just not with a knife first.

Hai guyz! Whats going on in this thread? LOL

She’s been released and put under house arrest because of “medical problems.”


She’s been released and put under house arrest because of “medical problems.”




or most likely any entertainment section of any sizable news agency.

since when was having house arrest being allowed a 3000-4000ft radius?

that’s horrible. complete BS