Good Riddance Attention Whore

WWII is the only one that really comes right into my head. But the irony there is back then the US was so non-interventionist that even though Hitler had taken over half of Europe and was exterminating Jews by the millions, we STILL didn’t declare war on Germany until the Japaneese hit us at Pearl Harbor. But today we go into Iraq on bullshit reasons when we should have stayed out. We’re horribly at picking which wars to fight so I really think we should just stop doing it.[/QUOTE]

No the problem is you dont understand the muslim religion, you can sit there and tell yourself the only reason they want to kill us is becuz we are in there land but the real truth is that for the past 20 yrs or more all that the muslims want is the caliphate again, do you even know what that is? And that word infadel that you here them saying all the time, there real definition of that is anyone who does not convert to muslim. There religions definition is either you convert or we kill you.

Let’s take a look at WWII the war you would fight in…the reason we wouldn’t enter WWII before the Japanese attacked us (similar to 9/11 somewhat, just a thought) is because there was a war before that one called the Great War, WWI, “the war to end all wars”, ring a bell? and a shit load of people died in that war, this country didn’t want a repeat again. And in that war we entered to help our allies (France, because Germany invaded their country)

And Saddam never had chemical weapons because the news said so because if we did know about it why would we tell everyone? That would be what we call a security breach because of the ways information is collected, if you figure out how people die, those people are called HUMINT sources (Human Intelligence), yes there is a CIA and they do shit like that. But I have no idea what im talking about because you know everything.