I thought it came up on here before but I can not find it. I heard about it again from a few finance guys about these programs that allow you to invest something like a minimum of $25 per paycheck (maybe pre tax) into a investing account that pools and buys shares of higher priced stock in participating companies like Exxon, GE, etc. and also allow you to reinvest dividends they pay off into their stock.
Anyone know what the deal is with this or have some info?
I am trying to find out if they were talking about a brokerage account that allows partial share trading or if its something seperate. Their example was Exxon and how they might be trading at say $100/share. You put in say $25/paycheck and you continually buy more shares of the one stock.
Just trying to find more info on it. I don’t know the guys very well so I am unable to call them and thought I remember hearing about it on here too.