Party At the Ritz - May 13th, 9pm-ish

RuBiCaNT5X: Hey fucker…
SublimeBigJ: hi
RuBiCaNT5X: Sorry about spilling beer all over with that girl…
RuBiCaNT5X: That was pretty dumb of me…
SublimeBigJ: eh its cool
SublimeBigJ: you suck at drinking
SublimeBigJ: i like you
RuBiCaNT5X: I mopped up again last night after I got back…
SublimeBigJ: a lot
SublimeBigJ: your good proplr
RuBiCaNT5X: proplr?
SublimeBigJ: you just suck at drinking lol
SublimeBigJ: people
SublimeBigJ: hahah
RuBiCaNT5X: I was having way too much fun Saturday…
SublimeBigJ: hahaha
SublimeBigJ: its cool
RuBiCaNT5X: Lee from hybrid reached into my pants and grabbed my balls half assed…
SublimeBigJ: wtf
RuBiCaNT5X: So I told him to do it right and he reached in again and got a full handful…
RuBiCaNT5X: Then I gave him a dollar…
RuBiCaNT5X: We try to gross the other one out… If we do, they owe a dollar…
RuBiCaNT5X: One of us owes the other a dollar…etc…
SublimeBigJ: wow
RuBiCaNT5X: It’s pretty fucked up…
SublimeBigJ: ya it is
RuBiCaNT5X: But i don’t mind…
RuBiCaNT5X: I am comfortable with Lee grabbing my balls…
RuBiCaNT5X: Now if he jerked me off, that’s another story…
SublimeBigJ: oh wow
SublimeBigJ: just
SublimeBigJ: wow
RuBiCaNT5X: Is the floor still sticky or is it ok?
SublimeBigJ: i donno
RuBiCaNT5X: Goooooooooooooo check it out…
SublimeBigJ: i havent gotten out of bed yet lol
RuBiCaNT5X: slacker… I was up at 6am today…
SublimeBigJ: hahah
SublimeBigJ: nah i got up to go to the dump with phil and smash shit
SublimeBigJ: it was fun
SublimeBigJ: then back to bed
RuBiCaNT5X: hahaha
SublimeBigJ: brb
SublimeBigJ: its not sticky
SublimeBigJ: it still smells like beer tho
SublimeBigJ: it could just be from all the emptys
RuBiCaNT5X: I am betting that’s what it is…
SublimeBigJ: yessur
RuBiCaNT5X: I cleaned out all the bottles with water that were there from Saturday night…
SublimeBigJ: whos double chocolate beer is that
SublimeBigJ: ya
RuBiCaNT5X: It’s mine, you want it?
SublimeBigJ: hmmmm
SublimeBigJ: ya kinda
SublimeBigJ: hahah
RuBiCaNT5X: Go for it then…
SublimeBigJ: i love you
SublimeBigJ: honestly matt
SublimeBigJ: you fucking rule
RuBiCaNT5X: Hahah
SublimeBigJ: your a good dude your friends are cool ect
SublimeBigJ: you just suck
SublimeBigJ: at drinking
SublimeBigJ: hahahha
SublimeBigJ: everytime ive been with you when you had to much
SublimeBigJ: i wanted to fucking stab you
SublimeBigJ: being honest here
RuBiCaNT5X: When was the last time?
SublimeBigJ: ummm
SublimeBigJ: teabag down your pants time
SublimeBigJ: ya
SublimeBigJ: remember that?
RuBiCaNT5X: Umm…
RuBiCaNT5X: When was that…
SublimeBigJ: hahahahah
SublimeBigJ: you dont even remember see?
SublimeBigJ: you went out to dinner
SublimeBigJ: and drank a entire bottle of wine
SublimeBigJ: shrives was here
SublimeBigJ: remember?
SublimeBigJ: mmmmm this beer is delish
SublimeBigJ: i’ll replace it
RuBiCaNT5X: Oh yeah…
RuBiCaNT5X: The tea bags…
RuBiCaNT5X: I do now…
SublimeBigJ: yaaaaa
RuBiCaNT5X: Yeah, I get to be a dick sometimes… It’s all in good fun…
SublimeBigJ: see what i mean?
SublimeBigJ: ya
SublimeBigJ: where do i get this lager?
SublimeBigJ: its so good
SublimeBigJ: i have to work in 45 min
RuBiCaNT5X: Consumers!!
RuBiCaNT5X: I know where all the good beer is, don’t I!!
SublimeBigJ: yessur
RuBiCaNT5X: Yeah, I fuck with people who I am very fond of which is why I did what I did but I guess I am fuckface just as much…
SublimeBigJ: yaaaaaa
SublimeBigJ: about that
SublimeBigJ: i donno maybe your friends enjoy it?
SublimeBigJ: but i dont
SublimeBigJ: sorry
RuBiCaNT5X: Duley noted… I will spare you for next time…
SublimeBigJ: i still love you though
SublimeBigJ: hahahahha
RuBiCaNT5X: I kissed you on the cheek, didn’t I…
RuBiCaNT5X: Man, I get really gay when I drink too…
RuBiCaNT5X: WTF is wrong with me…
SublimeBigJ: ya i didnt mind that
SublimeBigJ: hahahahhahaaha
SublimeBigJ: dude
SublimeBigJ: your ghey
RuBiCaNT5X: you’re…
SublimeBigJ: alcohol is like truth serum
SublimeBigJ: your gay
SublimeBigJ: you love men
RuBiCaNT5X: Well, I am at most bi…
RuBiCaNT5X: I love the
SublimeBigJ: hahahahah
RuBiCaNT5X: The fact that VW has a tool to read trouble codes and they call it is so awesome!!
SublimeBigJ: hahahah
SublimeBigJ: you know why its called that?
RuBiCaNT5X: Nope…why?
SublimeBigJ: Volkswagen Audi Group
SublimeBigJ: VAG
RuBiCaNT5X: Nice…
RuBiCaNT5X: Yeah, I can make acronyms, thanks…
SublimeBigJ: ahahahahhahahaha
SublimeBigJ: you love it
RuBiCaNT5X: I love the
SublimeBigJ: hahha
RuBiCaNT5X: I love the vag…
RuBiCaNT5X: And I love the .com
SublimeBigJ: hahahah
SublimeBigJ: its actually -com
RuBiCaNT5X: it’s not mystery that I love
RuBiCaNT5X: I know but it sounds better
SublimeBigJ: hahah
RuBiCaNT5X: Because people think it’s actaully
SublimeBigJ: dude this beer is so good
RuBiCaNT5X: Indeed it is… Never had it before?
SublimeBigJ: nope
RuBiCaNT5X: Oh sweet…
RuBiCaNT5X: Good stuff indeed…
SublimeBigJ: i have to work soon
SublimeBigJ: my stomach is burning
SublimeBigJ: i love it
RuBiCaNT5X: Nice…
SublimeBigJ: hahah