Partying at a casino overnight next Fri (Aug 5th), might have room, lmk if interested

I went with a bunch of friends. The room cost $60 a person for a week. 2 bed, 2 bath, comfy couch, full kitchen. Booze was like $8 a liter for name brands. Island is 30 square miles.

I spent a week in an extremely intoxicated state and had an amazing time. Fawk, get 2 or 3 of you together and run a fucking muck on that island. It’s a 3 1/2hr flight from nyc/NJ. Time if your life

may be in how much trav

Just pitching in for fuel really, I think the show is free, not sure if it costs to get in the casino or anything like that though, doubtful

hahaha… badass. Sign me up come winter.


Still got room, guaranteed to be epic

Epicness happened!