Pastrana at it again

Holy damn. :wow

Bad ass

thats siiick

Seems more like a backflip 360 to me, but either way the guy is a god at what he does.

damn, kid just keeps pushing the bar of what you can do on a dirt bike

720 my ass, that’s like a fucking laid out Mctwist on steroids!! :wow:wow :bowdown:bowdown:bowdown:bowdown:bowdown

Insane and completely balls out!

Guy is fucking nuts

OLD… this was done last year

I love how he flicks the bike around like its a bmx bicycle.

Thats becasue he is a rather large kid. He is built like a brick shit house and is one of the taller MX riders out there.

Gotta hand it to him, all his shit is so calculated now and his “test” jumps are so damn safe it takes alot of the “fun” out of it! lol 199 FTW.

Well having a foam pit in the backyard helps you with making backflips your second nature.

Pastrana is so dirty on a bike. He makes everything look so fluid and natural.

He’s just a beast.