Patriotic Hummer H3

so you think it is right or wrong for the women to do this?

I may not fully understand our footing on this, your sticking up for everyone who dislikes what the women did with the 1st and your complaining because she used more gas then you?

I actually have no conclusive opinion on what she did.

I think that both newman and that woman have a right to express their opinions is a safe manner (as I stated in my first post of the this thread).

I guess the only problem I would have is that the artwork could be destracting to other drivers.

No, I am sticking up for their right to disagree with her.

Howie said I needed to check myself, so I did.

And she did, in fact, guzzle more gas than me.

Again, who did I degrade?

Good one :wink:

Did you think of that on your own or did you need some help? :hay:

I agree with how bad things were for the Iraqi people but thats not even the point. This thread was about a paint job about how a mother is honoring her son.

If I thought for a second that a decent political debate could happen online I’d be all for it but when you have people like Newman that obviously have had some immotional issues in his life its best to keep the political shit to a minimum, and that goes for the diehard redneck righties too.

I consider myself more a moderate than anything else, and I love debate, I loved it at school and at work. But dont compare this shit to a debate because its not.

Newman responce to my question proves that he could never objectivly debate an issue.


Its a good thing u dont teach english :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: Wrote it on the fly, if I thought anyone but you would notice I would check my writing.

does that mean u still love me enough to try to impress me? :stuck_out_tongue:

ah god this stupid thread’s still around?

man, i should write the script for any patriotic thread.

  1. dude posts something
  2. newman tears it apart
  3. drama ensues

i mean really :lol:

I find this a very intresting conversation quite indulging and enjoy the pessimistic thought pattern that you have presented. You race for enjoyment(so do i ) but you did a comparative cost analysts on someone, to be little the situation at hand. ( btw if she painted it and never drove it anywhere would you have opion )(not according the words in bold ). If i where to extrapolte the information you would come to find that you have degrade everyone who has drove less then you. because you have degrade her for driving that far.

I find this way off topic but if you would like to speak more about this lets do dinner.

  • void the spelling working in two different screens

HAHAHA, there are now three things that you can count on.

  1. Death
  2. Taxes
  3. Newman being a complete prick online.


I never once belittled the situation.

I did the comparative cost analysis because I was accused of calling the kettle black. I was asked to do this (checking myself).

As you will notice this is the third time I am quoting this.

I never degraded her for driving that far, nor did I say I was better than her for using less gas than her. All I said is it is a fact, I attached no statement to that other than it was a gas guzzler,the fact of the matter is, she guzzles more gas than me. This is not an opinion, but a fact. Therefore I will not bold this part :wink:

Please do not accuse me of degrading people after doing simple 2nd grade math to quanitify the amout of gas used.

But you were right about one thing…

I just wonder how many more times I will have to repeat the words I wrote :roll:

why? you asked a question about how i felt, i answered it truthfully. If that lady died tommorow, why would i care. You didn’t ask me to present an argument, there is no supporting detail why i don’t care, i just don’t. I can debate if i need to, but in this case, it is hardly worth my time.

I am smart.
I can rationalize my thoughts into well constructed paragraphs, if i wish.
If i had something to gain from doing so, perhaps i would.
I am smart.
But, alas, i don’t care.

this is why we are friends.

if i died in this war, I’d want my 'rents to paint a pic of my bloody corpse on the side of a prius and tour around the country.

um, I drive a Beetle that i almost hit 50 MPG with (49.289 to be exact), and can run on veggie oil
I also ride my bikes quite a bit. infact, i think i might take the BMX out right now.
I have a moped that i have hit roughly 200 MPG with
and finally, my audi is better on snowy roads than 99% of SUVs out there and gets 28 MPG.

I guess i am not doing my part.

Easy there sparky :smiley:

honestly… jj’s fleet > most. if only that 1.9 wasnt in a fucking beatle…

no, we’re not. my point is that public transport isn’t really an option… as much as buying a new prius isn’t. so we all have to make due with what we have and attempt not to be wasteful… at the least. but how many people even do that?

not many! because it’s soooooo hard to ride a bike. or impossible to get on one without squishing it under your american weight. right, rob?



What are you laughing at, Tub-o-saurus Rex??


oh snizap. theres that pot/kettle thing again. :lol:


I still love you… All of you. :wink: