Patriotic Hummer H3

Anyone on this forum who has a problem with a “gas guzzling” H3 better check yoself.

That is the most assinine excuse ever. If you really cared so much about the oil sitiatution, you’d all be driving a toyota prius.

Don’t call the pot black, you fucking kettles.

Fuck, i read kyle’s post a bit too late.

Its ok…sometimes it takes 2 to make a thing go right :slight_smile:

Thanks for the headsup, so I did check myself.

Her 1715 mile trip from Benton, AR to Camp Pendalton, CA used more gas than me using my tow vehicle getting 11 miles per gallon in tow and racing at ~9 miles per gallon doing a race school AND 3 hour enduro.

That is assuming she is getting the full rated 20 miles per gallon.

And that was one way, I’m sure she plans a return trip.

I get 27 city/34 highway
rated is 26 city/35 highway

To be fair I rarely get into stop and go traffic that often, also my car no longer has an overdrive (5th) gear, and I still get almost rated mileage in 4th.

I run the smallest wheel and tire combination possible to reduce unsprung mass and rolling resistance. I also overinflate my tires to improve economy and check regularly. I am even considering running base model brakes on my fiances SE-R to allow for 13" wheels and tires.

I fail to see anywhere in my post where I am FORCING my views on other people. Please elaborate.

Thats the oldest excuse to be an asshole in this country. Do you even feel sorry for her losing her son?

sorry she lost her son

i am sorry but i dont even think the pain work is that great, i mean it is good, but I have seen so much better down on cars rolling down the street on cruise nights

everyone has every right to say what they damn well feel like, its part of the reason he is driving. Also how the fuck is the H3 rated at only 20mpg, i get better than that in my yukon.

ps I am right and you all are wrong

also if they ever offer the diesel in the H3 like they keep saying they will I am all over that like flies on shit, i mean who doesn’t want the ability to drive through 24" of water


dude!!!, you drive a red matchbox car.

I think its a great idea.

i don’t give a shit about that lady, her SUV, or her dead son. end of story.

if you join the army you might die. if you don’t know this, you are an idiot. i am glad there are plenty of idiots out there to protect me tho, or else i’d be dead, so i realize the irony of my statements, i, however, couldn’t give a fuck.


This woman lost her son while he was fighting for his country but rather than go crazy or turn to alcohol or something equally destructive, she created a rolling tribute to help herself cope and all you guys have to say is it’s the wrong kind of car or the politics of the war which her and her son had nothing to do with were wrong? Jesus Christ, I know that most people lose all sense of caring when they’re logged on and have a chance to get some virtual attention, but come on…

ok ok…a traditional wagon :stuck_out_tongue:

I would rather be an asshole than close minded.

I feel more sorry for the loss of life for the millions of Iraqi civilians that were not able to recieve proper medication due to trade embaros imposed by this country following the Gulf War.

oh please lock this thread :cry: make all the different opinions go away they hurt my feelings… :cry:


:hi five:

WRONG. if we cared so much about this oil situation, we’d use public transportation, carpool or ride a bike. a toyota prius used is 23 grand. who can afford that?

Zerodaze, is this really a LIBERAL thing? I really just thought it was mostly an issue of a lady having screwy priorities.

Zer0DazE attaches “Liberal” to anything that he does not agree with… :smiley:

What are 3 things that are impossible to rely on in the city of Buffalo?

Oh wait we aren’t playing Jeopardy are we?

Word to that, republicans are the brother p-touch of the political world, they label everything!

That was one hell of a zinger!

The lady having screwy priorities? She made a mural on a car her son liked, im 99% certian the gas mileage didn’t effect her decision.

Are you really all so fucking lost in political bullshit that you can’t even grasp the idea that the lady simply found a way to grieve the loss of her son?

these are BOLD thoughts,

and if either one of you dont have the nutz to step back and say “wow that is not my thing- but i am not going degrade you about” then i wish you the best in life, cause it will be a hard one.

*I am shocked one can post up some “humor”(and some of i thought was funny and some not so funny) but i did not jump on your case

If gas and oil is the real issue: You shouldn’t be on a car forum.

Racing is one of the biggest wastes of petrol. It serves no purpose except waste natural resources for pure entertainment. But I am sure you all will tell me otherwise. “But omg she is wasting gas. Lets go to the track yo!”


Seriously though, if you guys care that much about Hummer’s wasting gas. You should do what Jan said, take a bus. Start a protest about the automotive sports industry. You guys know how many gallons those cars suck down during a race. But, that’s different. That industry is make a fortune off depleting resources. But it’s ok, it’s not some lady in a Hummer.

I don’t think she needs a vehicle of that size ( we all know women can’t pull trailors ). I also think gas mileage is a big deal. But STFU guys.

Howie said it best: Pot, kettle.

Fuck I entered one of these bs threads again.


Who did I degrade?