Patriotic Hummer H3

I was going to say the same thing as jam did after reading fetters INITIAL post. So you can suck it matt…

Seriously though, I cant believe you dont even see the irony of what she is doing. Yes, that paintjob is titties in a half shell, and im not trying to disrespect any soldiers who have died fighting in the war, but this is perposterous.

If she really wanted to bring attention to her ride, she shouldve made the theme of it thanking Bush for her sons important death.


you retards are overlooking one thing.

she said her son always liked hummers. So her putting it on a civic wouldnt make sense, now would it?

also, she was inspired by a Vietnam car, so making a wall mural logically wouldnt make sense either…

and newman sometimes your responses are so typical you make yourself into a huge cliche…

:heart: x2

i thought that the hummer came out in the late 80’s…did you mean vietraq pt. 1?


p.s. it sucks that her son died. it’s just a ridiculous typical “american” way of doing it.

typical hummer driver: “arrgh! look at my HUGE hummer! i won’t even offroad in it! it picks up the groceries with room to spare! there is no point to this poorly made vehicle, yet i LOVE it.”

they use h3’s in irag ? i did not know that …


Once again we have a thread that was turned to shit by the Newmans.

This thread was about the paint job nothing more.

This is off-topic. People have a right to say what they want. No need to lock this thread, people look stupid enough as it is with some of their responses.

Stop forcing your views on other people. You think the war sucks, all this woman wanted to do was honor her dead son and you fuckers are can only say, “OMG OMG OMG, she’s so stupid putting a painting on a gas-guzzling POS H3, she sucks, she sucks, she’s not sweet, she hoover-sucks.”

Why can’t it just be about a mother honoring her son in a creative and loving fashion?

Wonder what the trade-in/resale value on this thing is going to be if she ever decides to get rid of it. It is a GM, it will die eventually.

:tup: for the cause though

How do you know these guys wanted to die in Iraq fighting for something that will never affect us here? You must have been in contact with them.

Maybe they did maybe they didn’t.

I have nothing against Newman and him shaking things up around here, but sometimes we should exercise some discretion, and know when not to make certain comments. If I commented on half the shit I see on this forum, I would be hated. Then again, this is Newman. Sensitive topic for people, have a bit of compassion, even if you don’t agree.

Even if they didn’t, you’re going to make fun of a woman honoring her son?

you hater liberal fucking pansies

you suck at life.

oh, it gets bad fuel milage, thats ironic

you’re all fucking retarded.



Aside from the liberal thing…amen

How many of you on the board drive your car normall to get the gas mileage it should, or have mods done to decrease the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and even better would be how may of you commute, use mass transit, or bicycle to work? As a SOCIETY we are gluttons of gasoline. That hummer probably gets better gas mileage then some of the cars on here but noone says anything about that. SUVs are an easy target because they are far from the most efficient things on the road, but I drive one, I like it, I need it (because no way in hell am i driving a station wagon) so piss off. Until you all go to driving D15 civics or hybrids STFU. If its an oil war and thats your gripe, you contribute just as much as a H1,2,3 driver by racing, driving everywhere even if its 3 min away.

WOW :tdown: to anyone who has a problem with this. Yes hummers are POS and they hog gas. The lady lost her fucking son, funny comments about the irony of the car she chose is over the line.

While I can appreciate that point, I also think there is a time when even off topic goes so far from the original intent of the thread that it should be removed.

This is a prime example of that…the thread is about a paintjob and we havent talking about that in 20 some posts.

If off topic was meant to be like the wild west with no rules then there wouldnt be moderators for it, and I know that the discretion of what fits and doesnt fit in off topic is a pretty big grey area but I think some of these threads have gotten out of control and there is no real good that can come from leaving them open. It seems most of the time people are talking in circles not really proving a new point. Thats my .02…keep the change lol

Sometimes I wonder if you idiots know what this country stands for? You should try reading the first admendment sometime.

newman has as much right to call her a fucking stupid whore as that lady has the right to paint all that crap on the side of the gas guzzler.

A service members belief is in protecting the freedoms of this country.

The greatest freedom in this country is the freedom of speech.

I think people on both sides of the argument should take a second and think how lucky they are to be able to express their veiws.

yeah, its sweet to use that amendment to bash the country and the people fight to protect it.


like that big stupid tomb of the unknown soldier. you couldnt pay me to put that big stupid rock in my yard.