Patriotic Hummer H3

:word: I was going to look that up.

That’s a joke. Put a mural on a fucking wall then if you want a tribute. Bummers all need to die. Waste of fuel, energy, space…typical american thing to have. Over consumption beyond belief. I’d be disgraced if my face or name was ever on one of those overpriced pieces of shit.

:tup: to the patriotic theme
:tdown: to showing specific troops and their coffins.

I mean, I appreciate what the military personel are doing over there (basically suffering because Gee Dubya has his finger on the button) but to bring attention to just a few of them is kind of absurd. I understand that the coffins are shown to inspire a weapy reaction from people that look at it, but it’s also sort of insensitive to the families related to people that were killed.

It’s got pros and cons to it, but either way the work is incredible.

This gets the same MPG as just about any Jeep. Are those a waste of your space too? :rolljerk:

thats exactly what i was going to say.

word, jam.

ah… a perfect forum world… where everyone agrees with everyone… and if they don’t, they don’t post. no one gets angry because no one will ever know how anyone else feels. yessssssss.


COME ON GUYS!!! This painted SUV means a lot to people!! Everyone knows that if you want to pay tribute to fallen soldiers, you need to PAINT A HUMMER. There’s really nothing better to do in this instance.

Spend a bunch of money and paint a HUMMER. There’s no better way to spend your cash after your child dies. Then spend more money filling it with fuel… make sure to keep that air conditioning on… and say:

“This is what my son would’ve wanted me to do. I bet he was missing these cool car temperatures when he was over there fighting this war against those evil terrorists who don’t believe in Jesus.”

The paint job is pretty amazing though.

wrd two jan

“This is what my son would’ve wanted me to do. I bet he was missing these cool car temperatures when he was over there fighting this war against those evil terrorists who don’t believe in Jesus.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle in agreement after reading that.



The paintwork is good
Would look a little better as a mural

I would love to drive an H3,I really dont even like it.It would get me from point A to point B and thats all i’d care about,even getting that horrible 16-20mpg.

Just the fact that it makes people angry is what I like.Having the ability to simply exist and raise people’s blood pressure : Priceless.

heh. that’s my sole purpose in life or something.

at first i thought you got crappy gas mileage

then i was like wait, he’s a newman, he’d have to be a rotary in order to have crappy gas mileage

then i thought about the blood pressure thing and i was like oh okay


drive the vehicle which inadiquitly protected your child as it guzzles the reason why he died…



your car sucks btw. i fucking hate those things. :ham:

<3 jan.

Motion to close thread before it goes so far off topic that there is no clear sight of what the original intent of the thread was.

That being said…cool idea…should have done it in vinyl.

The irony of it all is strong, but shouldnt be the main focus in the point of the original post…which was the paint work.

Who the fuck cares why someone did it. Why must everyone read so into this with thier judgements. WTF is wrong with some of you. A woman’s son died in combat. He died for what he believed in regardless if you and I think it’s a stupid war. All this woman wanted to do was pay tribute to her son and his fellow soldiers who died for what they believe in. You haters are no better than the hippy tree huggers who spit on our soldiers coming home from Vietnam.

Oh and I see we have the usual, Newman posts the typical “this sucks because it’s not as cool as me” and all the humpers follow… :roll2:

I second that motion. Seems the newmans have to go out and ruin everything.

Nice paint job, not my kinda car but the quality of the work is superb.
