Payroll Error

I work for a small subcontracting company who is under a larger subcontracting company who is under a large computer company.

I dont get any benefits. I can take vacation but I dont get paid for it.

My contracting company just called me and told me they accidentally paid me for a week vacation I took in Sept 2008. It wasn’t my fault, it was their fault. So thats like 1200 bucks they want back. They are going to take it out of my next pay check.

Is this even legal? Its been 6 months and it was last tax year. Are there any NYS labor laws in my favor here? This is a huge kick in the teeth.

that does stink but you MUST have noticed it… chose not to say anything, and now you’re paying the price.

I beleve they have 12 months to go after you … they can pull it out of your bank up to 180 days(just like if i was to wright you a check) if direct dept

Newman thats not true. I honestly did not notice. I dont even get pay statements. Its all done online via ADP and I never even check it. Direct Deposit. I checked it when they called me and sure enough they are right.

that really stinks. Will they let you work overtime to make it up or something?

That said, I would almost CERTAINLY notice an extra 1200 buck in my bank account. But my paychecks are almost always the same amount, so if yours aren’t i could see it getting missed.

you didn’t notice that you have $1200 MORE in your account than you should have?

Manage your money better so that you don’t get bit in the ass again

I bet if you would have gotten underpaid, you would have noticed.

Ouch, but they have every right to take it back… it is rightfully theirs.

Que: ThisIsWhyWeCantHaveNiceThings.jpg

It is theirs, and they are taking it back. Consider it a painful lesson in why you should pay attention to your finances.

That seems fair, esp in this economy when ppl need every penny they have, except the op, he has so much money $1200 doesnt even raise a flag

I would see if you could work out a thing where the take $xxx back over the next 6 months instead of all at once. I am hoping that you are on good terms with your employer though

You guys are generally right as I should have paid more attention.

Its tough to track bc the pay periods arent a consistent 2 weeks they changed it to the 1st and 15th of the month. So the pay period is never the same length. Also its lagged 2 weeks behind. Plus I do work alot of OT so there is no consistency whatsoever.

lol Travis I dont have that much money. This vacation money is what you got for the hood. Im going to need that money back now :spank:

300, 500 I might not notice right away… 1200 shouldn’t slip past.

Wait, I didnt even know you were you. LOL… my bad! I was just being an e-thug. haha

I have been meaning to get ahold of you, looks like we arent going to be painting the whole teg any time soon. lol

Something similar happened to someone I know when he left his old job. They sent him a letter saying he owed them $9000 for vacation time he took that wasn’t owed to him. He sent them a letter saying that they owed him $800 for pay he didn’t receive(not true). It went back and forth a few more times. In the end his former employer gave up.
The difference is he didn’t have to work for them the next day…


lol. 9000 dollars?

am I write

It sucks, but the responsibility is on you to notice it and report it at the time.

Same thing with bank errors. if you deposit 200 and they accidentally put in 2000 you have to let them know. It’s actually illegal to not tell them and I’ve seen people arrested when they knowingly tried to withdraw the error amount. It’s not very hard for the bank to prove you knew it was an error.

The story Blackout told reminded me of the Microsoft incident where they asked laid off employees to give the overpaid severance back.