pc games

what are some good pc games out right now? either racing games or stuff like COD, battlefield, fear, etc.

Im going to get HL2:Episode1 soon.


I love it.

Minglor why havn’t we seen you playing yet! :open_mouth:

For racing simulation games GTR2 is the game for PC currently. Havn’t been keeping up on PC games recently though so besides that I’m not aware of what else is out there.

its very short but keeps the story goin

GTR2, NFS:Carbon, Splintercell double agent, ect, ect

pretty much, for the most part, anything you can get for xbox/360/ps2 you can get for the PC

COD2 isn’t worth buying… just like COD1.
BF2 is great, 2142 is good when it runs right.
That is all I play.