Peanut Butta Jelly Time


that episode was awesome

I saw that and I was laughing my ass off… No one else could figure out why it was so funny.

My favorite scene in that episode… I need an animated gif of that…

that episode was just rediculously funny

it made up for some lackluster episodes recently

gooood stuff

Cookie monster owned that thought.

Freebasing the cookie dough. Rofl

lol that has been my boss’s ringer for like the last year on his cell. i have to hear that shit everyday :lol:


try this:

:word: same here

I’d like to dedicate a month or two to watch all the family guy episodes ever made. I think it would improve my life greatly.


that settles it i’m going start collecting the seasons of family guy

:rofl: great episode…seen that episode at work, the whole lunch room was laughing their asses off, lol.

LMFAO thazts great, i gotta find the epicac one thats great.*-http%3A//

shrew has em all on dvd. and he’s kind of your neighbor now.
and yes, your missing out.