Pen's loose again

I was there lots of penty’s and other crap. they stink oh well i still go to the games next thursday here i come. also meet some chicks from Duqunese, we talked about how outragious beer prices where $5.75 but they left before i could get any numbers so oh well. i just know i got the luck of when i sit at some games i always seem to get some nice chick to sit next to me.anyhow pens lost 6 - 3

dissapointing game, poor Crosby didnt continue his streak either. Would have like Coran or whatever (#31) to play earlier.


have they won one yet?

nope…its pretty sad considering all the hype there was b4 the season.


I think it’s safe to say they picked up where they left off two years ago.

get rid of thibeau. he sucks for a goalie. make coran or fluery a steady goaltender and just combine maddox and thibeau to get some help for hte pirates for 06

i dont get it…how can we be this bad?? well for one we have the worst defense i’ve ever seen (some of it is the goalies fault, but most of it isnt)…but i dont know how we arent scoring more. i think we have the personel to score, if they can all get on the same page…as far as defensive play, i dunno. maybe a trade is in order. we need some more defensive minded players…guys who will actually clear the front of the net, block shots, hit ppl etc. i agree that thibault played bad again, but it goes beyond the goalies. find me one goalie on our team with good numbers,…you wont. because its the defense more than it is the goalie.

Pens loose??? where? lets catch them


The defense is pretty bad. But they have some of the best offensive players in the league. It would be nice to put in more than 2 or 3 goals a game.
I’d like to see a coaching change as well.

coaching + goaltending seems to be the problem (offensive plays are not coming together seems liek its not practiced well, as for the defense…cant tell if its coaching or players/both)

:owned: Bitches

see i went with the whole sexually loose when I read the title lol


as usual, no shots on PP
bad penalty killing
sketchy penalty calls
bad defense
worse goal keeping
… but … still a fun night out

i guess if you’re going to be a losing team you might as well do it in style and lose every game :dunno:

pens = :owned:

they are on a streak!

Might as well… I always looked at like this

Everybody always looks to see who is in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd… then they skip all the guys in between and look to see who is in last…

You might as well get recognized for something…

P.S. Go B’s! :wink: